Teachers job

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Intro: Ian is a music teacher and Mickey is a math teacher with the affection for the redhead or maybe it's the other way around or both?
Ian was currently sitting in his room at the school, checking and grading whatever he was left to for class. Yes, he was a music teacher but his students still had tests to take and assignments to submit every other week.
A knock interrupts his thoughts on his front door.
'Come on in' he called, as part of his job he swore to never let a kid wait outside of his room until he was free of whatever he needed to do. He remembers how when he first came out some people gave him a hard time and he needed help, but he never got it. So he swore to himself that whenever someone was knocking on his door a child or a teacher he would always help.
Through the front door came his coworker Zoey William one of the homeroom teachers of the first grade he was teaching himself.
'You got a minute?' she asked. And for her, he always has a minute. She was one of his close friends here and outside of the school. She was very nice, and pretty, and always knew how to make the people in the room smile or laugh, but the more you get to know her the more cocky she gets in a good way not a bad way.
'What's up?' he asked as she shut the door.
'Caleb wants to kill me so I'm hiding here for the rest of the day' she said, hiding behind his door.
'What have you done this time Z?' he asked chucking.
Caleb and Zoey used to date in the past for almost three years but split up when Caleb came out and had a boyfriend since then, aka Zoey's brother's best friend. Kind of crazy can you imagine this?
But even though they broke up, they stayed very close, best friends even, they would act like kids most of the time and he loved it. He wished he had something like that for how close they were to each other.
A bang then came through the door, a very angry one.
'ZOEY!!!' the voice of angry Caleb called. Ian turned towards the girl who was giggling like a teenager showing him the package of Caleb's cookies that she stole from him.
'Seriously?' he called, rolling his eyes.
'Ian!! open the door I need to punch someone! a certain girl!' the not-so-angry man called from behind the door.
'She is not here!' he laughed.
'Zoey if you don't give me the cookies back you'd have to say goodbye to your precious markers!' Caleb called, Zoey's eyes widened in horror, She opened the door and threw the cookie package at him, and closed the door. But not quick enough that Caleb managed to sneak inside the room.
'You made me look like a fool, Mickey even yelled at me saying that I'm acting like a kid'
'Well you are a kid' she smirked and he rolled his eyes sitting in the chair in front of Ian and looking at him.
'Want one? Jay made them this morning,' he asked and he quickly nodded. He had met the guy a few times and his cookies were the best. For a bodybuilder, you wouldn't expect him to make cookies every morning, and a good one without all the fake flowers and fake chocolate taste. He put the cookie in his mouth and it was heavenly.
'You sure that Jay doesn't have a brother or something that can cook like that?' he asked, smirking Caleb rolled his eyes at his friend's silence, eating another cookie as Zoey was standing in the corner of the room glancing in anger at them.
'Maybe Mickey knows how to cook' Zoey whispered and Ian turned towards her in frown.
'You keep that mouth shut!' he threatened but Caleb already heard and looked at Ian with amusement.
'You like Mickey?'
'A cookie and I'll get him off that' Zoey suggested and Ian stood up took one cookie and pushed it to her mouth.
'No way I'm dropping this now, the cookie will get her to shut up, not me! Do you like Mickey?' Caleb asked in interpretation.
'Zoey I'm gonna kill you' Ian informed her as she chuckled while eating her cookie with a smile.
'Yes, I may have developed a crush on him' Ian said shyly.
'Omg!! You should ask him out! Caleb called.
'Caleb I don't know even if he is gay or not' Ian spoke.
'He is gay. That's for sure' Zoey said, sitting down in the chair next to Caleb.
'And how do you know that exactly, Cookie Monster?' he asked, looking over his friend.
'I may have or have not tried to ask him out once. And he may have said that I'm a nice girl but not his boy type' Zoey hinted.
'Omg!!' Both of the boys called.
'Now you can ask him out'
'But what if I'm not his type or something?' he asked.
'Bitch you're anybody's type, go ask him before I'd do it for you' Zoey called and he chuckled looking at his friends again before debating what to do.
'You sure?' he asked.
'Yes!! go for god sake' they both yelled.
'Okay okay Jesus I'm going!' he stood up from his chair and made his way towards the door, looking
at his friends one more time before leaving. He walked down the hallway searching for Mickey's room that he knew was close to his. He came across the room a few seconds later, he took a deep breath before knocking on the door.
'Come on in' Mickey called from the inside. Ian opened the door and walked inside Mickey's room. The room was not so decorated, he had some family photos around his desk and a couple of posters that the previous owner left behind. He had a stock of math books lying around and some tests following next to it.
'Hey, Gallagher what brings you here?' Mickey asked.
'Got a minute?' Ian asked shyly and Mickey nodded as Ian shut the door behind him.
'I came here because I wanted to ask you-if-maybe'
'Jesus Christ spills it out man' Mickey chuckled.
'Wanna go on a date with me? '
'Sure when are you free?' Mickey responded and Ian's eyes opened wildly.
Did he?
'Wait really?' he asked in amazement.
'Sure you're kinda cute, I can work with that' Mickey smirked and Ian blushed.
'Tonight works? I can pick you up and we can go to Sizzlers'
'I get off around five text me then' Mickey replied and Ian nodded.
'See you then' he smiled and then walked away closing the door behind him.

Two weeks later Ian, Zoey, and Caleb were sitting in Ian's office eating their lunch when a knock came through the door.
'Come on in' he called and Mickey walked inside. His smile grew twice harder when he saw he had his lunch in his hand.
'Care if I join?' he asked the trio.
'Not at all' Zoey smirked at them.
He walked inside the room closing the door behind him. Walking towards Ian and kissing his lips in a quick kiss as the two friends awed behind them.
'Shut up' he called at them pulling Mickey to his lap and smiling pulling his hands behind him.
Yeah, that's going to be an interesting lunch for now.
Hiya people 🧚🏻‍♀️ so I wanted to publish these parts yesterday but kinda fell asleep 😴
Hope you are all alright
Love ya❤️

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