Two married actors

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Mickey Milckovich and Ian Gallagher were two known much actresses around the world. They have shoots many movies together and independently but people always knew then as a couple of friends or even best friends. What they didn't known and only some was that they were happily married for the past ten years. They had two daughters Mila and Mia twin girls that just turn four a week ago.
They were very happy with each other and with the life they built and with the careers they were even the moon. Today they were having some interviews to shoot together as a show off to their new movie together. They were now sitting at some make up room with too much lighting that almost burned Mickey pupils. In front of that was a brunette woman dressing casually looking between the two. 'So Ian and Mickey you two have been shooting many movies together for the past ten years or so, and I just want to know what is it feel like to work with each other all day long every movie every tv show' she smiled at them. 'Well Mira, it's pretty awesome me and Mick have known each other for what' Ian asked looking over Mickey. 'Fifteen, twenty years' Mickey responded smiling. 'So we kinda of getting along more and more with the years' Ian finally said. 'Some even might said you practically hitched by the hips' she smirked wanting to get some answers for them. 'I don't think my girlfriend would like that' Mickey said knowing where she was heading. They have built this plan that if during an interview one would feel they might be outed they can pretend to have a girlfriend. So almost every other month one of them has a girlfriend not like anyone could approve it because Mickey and Ian spend the majority of their free time with their girls at home or with each other. Though they spend most of their together with each other they can never get enough with the other. 'Oh yeah? how I didn't known that' Ian smirked. 'We decided to keep our relationship for now as a secret, she is just not a fan of all the publicity and that' Mickey explained as Ian nodded. 'If I may ask where did you two meet' Mira asked looking at Mickey. 'Through some friends we have in common' Mickey explained as Mira nodded then looked back at Ian. 'How about you Ian any loved ones in your life at the moment?' she asked. Wow interviewers can be someone suck a nosy people, it's their job after all but still. 'Well' he wanted to answer but he got cut off when his phone rang and the name 'Fiona' appeared in his screen. She was currently looking after their girls so when she calls it was usually urgent or they just missed their daddy's. 'I'm sorry, it's my sister I gotta take this' he said quickly giving Mickey a nod that he got it under cover and walked away from the room. He got back to his trailer that he shared with Mickey as well and closed the door behind him and them answering the call. 'Hey Fi what's up' he said. 'Hey sorry to interrupt but the girl insisted to talk with you two' she explained. 'Well they would have to deal with me only because Mick is still at the interview' he said. 'Alright I'm passing you over' she said handing the phone to the girls. 'Daddy?' Mia asked. 'Hey princess, it's just me in your dad is kinda busy right now are you alright?' he asked sympathy in his tone. 'No' she said handing over the phone to Mila. 'Daddy some people at school told us that you and daddy are not our real dads that we are laying because they said that you and dad are just friends' Mila said almost crying. 'Oh babies, you know me and your dad love you two so much. And yes we are hiding everything from the publicity just to keep you two safe' Ian explained. 'Can you maybe not hide I don't like when they said you and dad are not our dads' Mia now asked. Ian was almost crying mess from the girls request. 'Look I'll talk with your dad alright munchkins?' Ian asked. 'Alright' they both said and hand the phone back to Fiona. 'Fi I need to go talk with Mick thanks for looking after these two' he said smiling whipping the tears off his face with his hand. 'Alright be safe Ian' she said in her mom voice and hung up the phone and with that he sat in his chair. A few seconds later the door opened and Mickey walked inside he closed the door cursing under his breath. 'Fucking bitch' with that he turned around and saw the sadness on Ian's face. 'Ian what's the matter?' He asked sympathetic siting next to Ian and embracing him in a hug. 'Mia and Mila called some people at school said we are not their parents because we are not out as a couple rather as friend' Ian explained still can't shaking away the sadness in his daughter's tone. Mickey pulled apart from him and connected their lips together in a kiss.
He then laid down on the couch dragging Ian's body on top of his. Putting both of his arms around him. 'Do you wanna come out?' he asked after stroking Ian's hair for the past minutes trying to calm him down. 'I don't know Mick-it's just feel so scary with everything like that' Ian said. 'I know-but it won't be like the last time when I came out' Mickey smiled shyly remembering the time when he came out and Terry turn it into a shit show. 'The girls would be fine, Mila is like the protective one out of theses two she will go all Milckovich on you for hurting her sister the girl is a total badass' Mickey laugh and Ian chuckled.
'She sure do'
'So what do you say wanna be my out husband' Mickey asked looking all lovely at him. 'Sure babe-but you first have to tell me what did Mira said that turn you all mady mad'.

Later that day during their second interview for the day they were siting in front of some blond woman that was very nice and smiled a lot while asking them questions. But when it got to the question of are you seeing someone they both smirked and nodded. 'Twenty years ago I met my partner' Ian first said. 'You have a partner for twenty years and none of us knew about it?' she asked amazed feeling like she is going to get the scoop of her life which she is. 'Yeah-I usually don't like to talk about them in publicity because if our privet matter that we both agree on' he explained looking over to her. 'How about you Mick any long term partners that we need to know about?' she asked and Mickey nodded.
'Twenty years as well plus four year of crushing'
'Sounds like a lucky girl' Mickey laugh and so is Ian.
'So not a girl' she hinted.
'Like a hot guy maybe' he said smiling.
'At least can we get some details about him?' she asked.
'Well-Mia he has a red head, tallish with too much freckles all over and the goofy smile that never leave him face is something I grew to love along side his annoyance'.
'Sounds like a dream boy' Mia said and Mickey hummed in agreement can't believe they are coming out in these interview their agent is got to kill them tomorrow. By that agent as angry Debbi but she would live with that.
'What about you Ian, what can you tell us about your mystery partner? She asked.
'Well he is the lovely south side thug that everyone hated but I secretly love from the first sight. He has black slick hair and those gorgeous blue eyes that you can get lost in for hours. He an amazing person that even when he acts all badass and all he is a secretly a teddy bear' he smiled.
'Well if you two wouldn't have been dating other people I would have said that you basically described each other' she smirked looking over the two boys.
'Babe I guess she caught us' Ian said smiling looking to Mickey.
'Fuck these early' he laugh
'Hold up! You two are dating?!' She asked.
'Married actually but carry on' Ian smirked.
'What?!?!?' She basically yelled. 'For how long?' she asked.
'Ten years' they both said. 'But we know each other for twenty' Mickey said.
'Six years into our marriage we had two girls Mila and Mia' Ian said smiling. 'And you have kids, wowowowoow' she said amazed.
'Yeah, and they are both our whole world' Ian smiled looking over Mickey and giving him a kiss on the cheek getting some awe looks from Mia and many smiles.
The next week after Debbi kept shouting at the two men's but she sat an interview with Mia again, but this time they are going to talk more openly about their life. They sat one by one in some behind the scene part of shooting place they are currently at. They both wore some casual clothes and for the first time their wedding rings in front of everyone.
'So Ian and Mickey nice to see you two again' Mia smiled. 'You two Mia' Ian smiled.
'So after the last time we saw each other you finally showed us the inside life of you two' she said. 'Yeah-well it took a while for us both to finally be able to tell people who we really are-a specially as a gay married couple it's very tough with all the homophobia around' Ian said nodding at the end looking over Mickey. Mia nodded as well and then said 'so I guess the million dollar question is how did you too meet' the girl asked.
'We actually have several meeting stories, you see we both grew up in the south side of Chicago and we both came from a well known families and we always swung in the same directions' Mickey said, he wasn't known for being a big talker, let alone talk about his and Ian's relationship. 'So every time we met it was usually not just us but with people around, but when we met for the first time with each other we became friends by the end of the night' Ian known said. They sure won't say they were fuck buddies in the begging as Ian somehow manages to swap the south side thug to his hands. 'So you became friends and then what?' she asked curiously. 'We kinda stuck together I guess couldn't get this red head out of me as much as I tried' Mickey smirked.
'Love you too honey' Ian smiled kissing Mickey's cheek knowing it will get him all red as a teenager girl with hormones. 'You're such a cute couple' Mia simply said.
'Thank you' Ian smiled.
Hot damn what in hell did I just wrote
Hope you liked it as much as I did
Love ya ❤️

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