Snow fight

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It's that time of the year again when the snow outside your house is pulling out layers and layers of thick snow. That is stopping you from leaving your own house. Ian, since he saw the snow building up, has been begging Mickey to build a snowman with him. But he would usually respond, "What are you, ten?".
So when it was finally date night, it was Ian's turn to choose their date. He knew that he had to take Mickey out to play in the snow.
"So where are we going tonight?" Mickey asked, putting on his coat.
"A surprise!" Ian smirked.
"I don't like that smirk. What have you got in mind, Gallagher?"Mickey asked with a raised eyebrow. They have done weird and crazy things for date night. The weird position for sex was not the only one of them. So whatever he had in mind, he just hoped they wouldn't end up in jail together like the last time.
"Something you can't say no to."
"I don't like this saying," Mickey called, and Ian chukled softly, tossing Mickey's boots to put on.
"Come on before it's more dark out." Mickey pulled on the last of his clothing and followed Ian out. He then saw some of Liam's old snow toys waiting for him. With two beers deep inside the ice is waiting for them.
"What's all that?" Mickey asked, confused. Ian pulled him by his hand and moved him towards the snow.
"We are going to build a snowman," he announced cheekily.
"And I'm going back," Mickey said, trying to retunt back inside. Ina immediately gathered some snow in his hand and threw it over Mickey.
"Did you just snow-slap me Gallagher?"
"What if I did Milkovich? You got a problem with that?" Ian asked smirking.
Mickey chucked softly and picked up some snow from the ground and threw it over his boyfriend.
"It's on bitch" Mickey called.
There snow date continues all through the night until one of their neighbors complained about noise to the police...

Hi guys I was quite busy today so didn't had much time to write along one. I'll try to get my next one a bit more longer.
Love ya ❤️

My soul mate- Gallavich one shot :)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin