Do you remember me?

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Intro: Ian has been deployed for several months now and barely has time to call his husband home. So one day when Mickey gets a call he doesn't expect it to be from his commander
Since Ian was deployed a few months ago, almost four months now. Mickey would usually spend his free time at the Gallagher household just trying to kill some time.
Right now he was watching a movie with Franny one of his favorite when his phone rang seeing a number he didn't know thinking it might be Ian on the other side of the call.
'Hey Fran I gotta take this, I'll be right back' he smiled as she nodded and walked into the kitchen where Fiona and Lip were chilling.
'Hello,' he greeted.
'Hi is this Mr.Milkovich Ian's husband's?' the voice of a man asked.
'Yes this is him, who am I speaking with?' he asked, you could see the concern written over his face as Lip and Fiona jogged from their place.
'Hey, this is Commander Fox, Ian has been brought to the hospital. He suffered from serval injuries and would like to come here' the commander explained and Mickey heard those words and almost passed out.
'Where is he? And how can I get there?!' he asked.
'He is at the Chicago hospital now at ICU, I'm here with him right now with serval of my soldiers'
'I'm on my way with his family, thanks you commender' With that he hung up the call almost throwing the phone on the floor from anger.
'Mickey, what's the matter?' Fiona asked.
'Ian' he started and felt his body tensing from even the thought of what happens to Ian right now. He felt Fiona's hand resting against his back trying to comfort him.
'He got injured..and right now at ICU here in Chicago' he was shaking breaths trying to escape his mouth. But he can't break down not here and not right now. Not while Ian is lying between life and death at some hospital bed.
'I'm gonna get my car, Lip get Franny, Mickey you're with me' She smiled at him and he nodded.
Lip quickly got Franny and a few of her toys they dropped her off at Debbi's workplace and then speed of the hospital. They arrived a few minutes later at the hospital Mickey rushed to find Ian's room, and he tried to call the number again on their way but got no response from the commander.
So he ran quickly to the register office 'Hey my husband is in here Ian Gallagher' he told the nurse. He quickly wrote down the info on the computer and turned back to Mickey.
'Room 256' he said Mickey quickly nodded and ran to find the room. Fiona and Lip running behind him.
He found Ian's room quickly enough seeing his commander outside of the room with some soldiers.
'Commander Fox, hey, we talked on the phone I'm Ian's husband' Mickey said, the commander nodded and opened the door for him to step in. Mickey nodded back and walked into the room shutting the door behind him to give them some privacy.
Inside the room, his eyes wandered to the sleepy man on it. He had a wrap around his head and his left leg was covered with a cast and was hanged from the ceiling. He didn't seem that bad like he had seen him before.
He was looking okay so that was a start. Slowly he saw Ian's eyes open blinking a few times.
'Hey,' Mickey whispered. Ian quirked his eyebrows at the sound of the voice in his room and shifted a bit to look at him.
'Who are you?' he asked. Mickey's face paled slightly to the question.
'You don't remember me?' he asked and Ian shook his head in response.
'Who are you again?'
'I'm Mickey I'm one of your friends, your sister sends me here, she is here outside do you want me to call her in?' Ian nodded, Mickey smiled at him and stepped out of the room. Seeing Fiona and Lip waiting for him.
'How is he?' Fiona asked concerned. He stared at the ground, tears forming in his eyes. His husband doesn't remember him. What the hell is he supposed to do now?
'Mickey hey' she said kindly touching his shoulder. He slowly raised his head to look at her.
'He doesn't know me' he said shyly.
'Shit, does he remember any of us?' Lip asked and he nodded.
'Yeah you go in I've some things to take care of'
'Mick don't cause any mess, Ian needs you when he gets his memory back' Lip called but he was already far away.
He stormed outside to get as far as he could from the hospital and yelled for his dearest life.
He didn't see the guy for four months and barely talked to him and that's how he gets him back? Without memory? How the fuck is it even fair?
His phone suddenly beeped for a message he picked it up and saw a message from Fiona.
Fiona: he is back asleep they say the amnesia will be gone soon with a good treatment. His doctor asked for you to come tomorrow morning and try to help him get his memory back

So he did. On the follow-up day, he showed up at the hospital around nine p.m. knowing Ian should be up around this time. Because he was a damn early bird.
He walked inside the room of Ian wearing his visiting pass seeing he was already awake.
'Hey Ian' Mickey spoke.
'Hey...' Ian said trying to remember the man's name 'I'm sorry I don't remember your name'.
'Mickey. Mickey Milckovich' Mickey smiled. Ian nodded and Mickey walked inside the room sitting on the chair next to his bed.
'How are you feeling this morning?'
'A bit better, but my leg is hurting me like hell' he chuckled.
'Do you want me to tell you how we met? Maybe it can trick your memory back?' Mickey asked kindly.
'Sure' Ian replied.
'Just tell me when it gets too hard' Ian nodded again.
'We met when you were fifteen and I was seventeen. You worked at the shop cash'n'grab and your boss was kinda of an asshole. I would steal constantly from the shop until one day Cash tried to shoot me with his gun and I stole it from him
'Because you were stealing?' he asked and Mickey nodded.
'You came to my house to ask for the gun back and well..' he paused thinking. Now he wished that their first meeting was much easier.
'What?' Ian asked.
'We end up sleeping together..' Ian's face lighted and a blush of embarrassment was full of red.
'Did we ever sleep together again?' he asked shyly now he got Mickey to a breaking point. Is it too early? Fuck it he needs to trigger back his memory.
'We did for a while until my dad caught us and he isn't a pro-gay kind of a guy' Mickey explained.
'Oh' he said
'He got us apart and not only him many of things, but we kept going until the finish line' Ian raised his eyebrows again in confusion but stopped when he saw the ring on Mickey's finger.
'We are married?!' he asked amazed and Mickey slowly nodded.
'Wow,' he breathed out 'Omg and I can't remember anything from you I'm such a horrible person'.
'No no no you are not you are an amazing person Ian. You truly are. You have fought many battles in your life from the inside out and you still came back on your feet all over again and I can't be more proud of you than I am' Mickey said. Ian's eyes start to water. Here this beautiful man sitting in front of him. Pouring out his love for the man he doesn't know. The man he wants to know and be. But right he is Ian Gallagher. The boy with the only memory of his family before everything took a turn. Before he met Mickey. Before he came out. Before they became a couple. Before they got married.
'Ian?' Mickey asked 'You okay?'
'Yeah yeah.. it's just-' he started trying not to choke on his own words but failed miserably when the tears started to come down his cheeks.
'Hey hey it's okay' Mickey whispered bringing Ian close for a hug and letting him water his jacket.
He took Mickey a few minutes to calm Ian down before a nurse walked in with some meds that Mickey recognized from a distance. His bipolar meds.
Ian saw the nurse pull slightly from Mickey looking in curiosity about what meds he needed to take now. He hasn't seen them before. And from the look on Mickey's face, he knew them.
'What are those?' he asked the nurse.
'Your bipolar medication' she explained.
'The what now?!' he asked. Mickey quickly turned towards the nurse and asked nicely 'Can you maybe come back later?' she nodded as responded and exited the room taking the medicine with her.
'As part of the obstacles we faced along the way of our relationship, you got diagnosed with Bipolar disorder. Like your mother, Monice do you remember her?'
'Am I crazy like her?' Ian asked shyly
'No, you're not. Yes, you did some crazy shit in the past but it doesn't make you like Monica' Ian nodded.
'How are you still with me after all of this?' he whispered.
'I'm with you because you stayed with me even after all my crazy shit. Look man we aren't perfect and you can ask every damn person in the south side about us not a single good word would be said. But you know what I don't give a shit and I know neither do you or the old you. I still don't know how this works' Ian chuckled softly. This man sure knows how to make Ian happy.
'You are a good man Mickey, thank you' Ian smiled at him.
If he gets Mickey by his side for the rest of this time, he will be back in no time.
A week later Ian's memory was restored and they remembered this time in their hearts leaving a good laugh about this.

Hi guys!
hope you all are doing right and staying safe

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