Royal guard

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Hi people!
So if you remember I once wrote a story about Ian being Mickey's bodyguard after things went wrong (you can read it all in The Drug Dealer and the Bodyguard). Today I'm gonna write something different but a bit the same...
'Morning madam' Ian greeted the queen as she entered the dining room on Sunday morning. He has been working as the queen's guard for the past year and loved it. The job has taken a major part of his life through he missed his family so much. The big chaotic Gallagher's. But the paycheck he gets helps him to cover some bills at home. So it's a win-win situation.
He walked past the queen and stood in his usual spot as Philip the head of security came towards him. 'Ian? may I see you in my office?' he asked his hard British accent that was getting in the way. He was an old man around his seventies, very nice to people so if he needs to let go of Ian he would still do it lovely. Ian nodded and walked towards Philip's office as another security guard past him taking his place. Ian had never seen him before, maybe he knew what he thought to himself. He entered the large office on the first floor of the residence and sat down on the chair in the ground of the old man. 'Listen, Ian, as part of some changes around here, we've decided to add another security guard for the Queen' he explained and Ian nodded as he pulled off a file from some drawer and opened it in front of Ian. The
The new guy is also an American like him, twenty-four, and the and only Mickey Milkovich. The same guy that threatened to stab Ian with a pencil back in the third hard just before he dropped out. Ian had wondered what happened to him. He wouldn't say a word to Philip because all his résumé was a big fat lie. 'He sounds like an interesting person to work with, sir,' he smiled politely.
'Very well, you shall continue working alongside him this week, and we will observe how it proceeds' Ian nodded, stood up, and made his way towards the door. He opened it and walked back to his spot. 'Mickey' he greeted as he saw him for the first time in too long. He changed a lot, grew up, and got even hotter.
Ian fucking loved it. 'Do I know you?' he asked, looking at the queen drinking her tea in patience. 'Ian. Gallagher. Lip's brother, we were together in the same class until you left' Ian informed him. Mickey scoffed and looked at Gallagher for the first time. To his surprise, the guy got even hotter, not that he knew that was an option.
'Oh the redhead'
'Yeah.. good to see you here at least seeing someone I know' Ian smiled and Mickey looked away.
As the hours went by the two didn't exchange a word between them until the time they had to stand outside of the queen's room while she took her daily nap.
'So how did you exactly end up here?' Ian asked and Mickey shrugged.
'Got a promotion at work and found myself in here eventually' he explained and Ian nodded.
'What about ya?'
'Something similar, was looking for good work for a while and landed in here eventually' Ian said and Mickey nodded.
'So how long does she usually sleep so that we gotta stay put or we can switch things up a little bit?' Mickey asked.
'Usually an hour and a half but we can get a break at her sleep time when Arnie is taking over' Ian spoke and Mickey nodded again.

An hour and half later they asked each other questions, something not too personal but just the normal introducing questions. They didn't know each other that well before so that time like that was nice for them both. Around nine the queen was asleep for an hour or so. Arnnie finally came over to stand outside of the queen's room taking over their place.
'So what are we supposed to do now, it's fucking nine pm' Mickey asked as they walked towards their dorms.
'We gotta sleep Mickey, we're supposed to be up by five thirty' Ian said, opening the door to their shared room in the staff's living area.
'But I don't wanna sleep Gallagher' Mickey complained
'Then what do you want Mickey?' Ian asked as Mickey smirked and looked at his lips licking them in satisfaction. They looked at each other, gazing at each other beauty. Mickey wanted to kiss the Gallagher boy, he liked him back then. But he grew up in the Milckovich household and being gay there wasn't an option. So now with Ian in the room knowing he wouldn't judge him if he said what he felt.
'I want you to fuck me'
'Excuse me?'
'You heard me, I want you to fuck me till I lose my breath' Mickey smirked.
'Are you sure Mickey? you can bleed out if we go too rough' Ian asked.
'Fine.. if you scared I can just go look for someone else in the palace' Mickey smirked walking towards the door. Ian sighed he never thought that he would get the chance to be this close to the other boy like that, but if he got it now he wouldn't dare drop it.
'Mick wait' he called Mickey turned to look at him with a grin on his face waiting for Ian to say what he wanted to say.
'I'll do it'
'Do what?' Mickey asked, smirking and walking towards the redhead boy. Ian shrugged and moved closer to Mickey until he could connect their lips in a fiery kiss.
'Fuck man that was good' Mickey breathed out chuckling along the way. Ian smirked and smiled at the man 'Yeah it was pretty awesome' he moved aside from Mickey's bed pulled on his clothes from the floor and tossed Mickey his. 'You know I never thought you were into coke' Mickey said pulling his shirt back on.
'Really?? Mandy always said I was a walking gay flag back at high school'
'You? I thought I was the walking gay flag' they both laugh. They finished getting dressed and each went to their bed. 'So I guess I'll see you in the morning' Ian smiled. 'Yeah, good night'.

Later that night Mickey couldn't sleep at all, he was tossing and turning in his sleep too cold from the wintery weather of London. He looked at the bed next to him, Ian was sleeping in his bed peacefully not seeming too cold as Mickey. Mickey stood up from his bed and walked towards Ian's bed. He touched his shoulder hoping it would wake him up which it did because the next thing he heard was some muffling from his side. 'Can I sleep here tonight? My bed is too damn cold' he asked Ian, looked at him, and nodded. He scooted close to the wall so Mickey could get in, putting both his hands around his wrist and sending them both to a peaceful sleep.

Two hours later they woke up to the sound of Ian's alarm clock going off. Ian groans in his sleep, exhausted from last night's previous events. 'Mickey we gotta get up and take Arnnie's place' he said, shaking the other boy awake. Mickey opened his eyes immediately and then closed them again from his eyes burning up. 'What time is it?' he asked.
'Five we gotta be out in thirty minutes'. Mickey groaned and tossed his head back against the pillow.
'Come on get up I'm gonna hit the shower'
'Care if I join?' Mickey smirked.
'Yes. Because then we would be extremely late and twice as dirty'
'I could be quick'
'Just get up Milckovich' With that Ian walked away towards the shower and locked the door behind him so Mickey wouldn't get any ideas. Mickey stood up from the bed and started to search for the clothes that he needed to wear for the day.
Twenty minutes later they were ready to head for the day. They spent their day as the previous, standing in front of her room or next to her or inside of it. Not talking to each other, just sending glances to the other man. And by the end of the day, they would have a rough long round of sex in Ian's bed.
This routine stuck with them like that for the whole week until Mickey got his go-sign from Fhilip and started to work with Ian full-time.

A year later
Ian and Mickey have been going strong for the past year. Their study relationships was the thing that helped. They weren't like the rest of the couples around, they would work together as a team all day long until nine p.m. and then would fall asleep in each other's arms. Eventually, the queen found out about the two one day. And the only thing she had to say was 'I saw it coming'. 

Well madam we all saw that coming at some point.. yes I know the queen is long gone but I just felt like adding her in here
Hope you had a great day
Love ya❤️

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