.•.Trouble Brewing.•.

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•The week that Edward missed of school, it seemed Bella's fascination of the Cullens had only gotten stronger

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.•The week that Edward missed of school, it seemed Bella's fascination of the Cullens had only gotten stronger.

Though she never spoke to Mina again after that first time, Mina found the girl stealing glances of her in class as if trying to figure her out.

Sure enough the weekend came and with it brought back Edward.

"Thank god you're back, maybe your stalker will ease up on us now." Beverly said exhaustedly, giving Edward a pointed look. They had kept up communication with him in his time in Alaska so he knew how the swan girl had been acting, but in a weird way he couldn't rationalise to himself, he found himself wanting to know more about the girl he couldn't read the mind of.

When Monday rolled around again, Rosalie decided she was gonna continue driving her convertible, with just Mina and her of course, just to get some more alone time, as if they don't spend every waking moment together already.

Mina made sure to keep her eye out for Bella when they entered the parking lot of the school. Rosalie tired to get her to skip school today and they could drive to a look out spot and "have fun" as she put it. Though tempted by this prospect, Mina insisted to go to school, much to Rosalie's surprise. She wanted to watch Bella's reaction to Edward coming and to keep an eye on him too.

She had seen the glint in his eye when the sibling complained to him about Bella when he got home, he was into her and she couldn't have a human and a vampire, especially when one literally wanted to eat the other fraternising. Not on her watch. Bella couldn't find out about the existence of vampires, that would put Rosalie in danger, and Mina doesn't play about Rosalie.

She didn't tell Rosalie that she suspected that Edward also had as much interest in Bella as she did him, she hoped she was wrong and didn't want to stress Rosalie out if she was wrong about them.

Sure enough, Bella Swans eyes lit up when she saw the Volvo pull in. The siblings did as they usually did before the morning bell rang, though Rosalie and Mina stayed in the car having a heated make out session because and I quote, "I need my fix for the morning." According to Rosalie. Though Mina wasn't complaining. The bell rang as Mina's hands were groping Rosalie over her shirt earning a frustrated groan from both. Thank god for tinted windows though, wouldn't want to give Forks high a free show.

Edwards return had sparked a change in Bella's behaviour, she had stopped staring at the Cullens but that could also be the fact that Edward was doing the staring, something that didn't go unnoticed by Mina, Bev, Alice and Rosalie. The boys seemed obvious.

Mina had the unfortunate luck of having witnessed the duos first ever conversation with each other. Edward seemed a lot more relaxed this time around to spark a conversation with the human. Mina found their conversation awkward, this was one of those moments where having super hearing was a disadvantage. Both of their body languages were just conveying awkwardness and made the hybrid internally cringe though she wanted to laugh out loud at them too.

Edward caught Mina's thoughts about their interaction and gave her a look to which she smiled innocently at him. After class Edward continued to talk to the girl walking her to her locker while Mina split off to her own which was next to Rosalie's. She had to "dazzle" the secretary for the locker proximity the first day they got to Forks high.

Both she and Rosalie were listening to the conversation that was happening with Edward and Bella, Rosalie was silently fuming at them interacting and Mina held her close as to both comfort and hold her back from getting violent.

It was only when Bella made a comment on Edwards changing eye colour that Mina let go of her hold on Rosalie and pulled her past the duo just as Edward was trying to escape the inquisition too. So the trio walked out of the school together, Rosalie cussing him out in hushed tones that could only be heard if you had supernatural hearing.

Back in the car as Mina and Rose were driving back home, Mina told Rose that she thought Edward was attracted to the human, and that if that were the case it would make sense why Alice seemed sure that Bella would be in their lives.

Rosalie didn't like the thought of a human entering their lives, especially because that would inevitably mean that Bella would become a vampire, something she wished on no one. But there was nothing they could do at this point, nothing had happened, they were just speculating.

Deciding to not let any negativity in they opted to just enjoy a good old night in with the family by playing UNO. Which in hindsight is the last game you'd want to play if you want to have a good ol' night in with the family, but they did it anyway.

The game started out fine, a few twos were picked up, annoying colour changes. But it was 15mins into the game when Emmet had to pick up 16 cards when all hell broke loose.

"It's not fair, you guys are cheating." He complained, his glare targeted towards Alice and Edward. Which got the whole family thinking that, wait a damn minute. Alice can see the future and Edward can read minds. This whole game was rigged high key.

"How have we never thought about that." Beverly said, throwing her cards down on the table, distress painting her face. The rest of the family looked scandalised too, and it was only then that it dawned on them that those two had been cheating at literally every single game they had ever played.

Alice wasn't a chess genius, she just knew what move you were gonna make before you made it. Edward wasn't good at poker, that motherfucker knew exactly what your cards were.

They all sat there in shock for a moment before they all scolded Alice and Edward at the same time, all visibly angry except for Carlisle and Esme who had smiles on their faces at their kids antics.

Edward and Alice held guilt but amusement on their faces, something that made their siblings yell at them louder for.

They weren't blood but the Cullens were like any other family.


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