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"Ugh" Mina groaned as she pulled herself impossibly closer to Rosalie, refusing to let the blonde vampire get up.

It was Rosalie's and Emmets turn to go surveil the Swan household tonight, but Mina had been feeling extra clingy. As much as she loved the love triangle drama, she didn't want Rosalie involved in the protection of the Swan's, this should have been purely Edwards job.

now she had to get out of bed because she sure hell wasn't gonna let Rosalie patrol without her. Mina wished Victoria would just get her show on the road already. Edward and Bella weren't the brightest in the bunch, why was Victoria making a spectacle her revenge, when she could just do it so easily.

It had been a week of this constant surveillance of Bella and her father, and in that time, when she wasn't distracting Rosalie and even Beverly sometimes from their 'duties', she found time to make friends with one of the wolves, Seth.

Their mini  friendship was formed when Mina found her self awwing at how cute the shifters looked. Their wolf forms were basically giant fluff balls, whereas her form leaned slightly more towards monstrous than fluff ball.


"Seattle is in a state of terror." A news anchor could be heard from the TV in the Cullen home, "police are baffled by the escalating murder and disappearances, theories range from a vicious new gang to a wildly active serial killer."

"It's getting worse, we might have to do something." Carlisle said softly, a frown on his beautiful features as he turned the TV off.

"It takes more than one of our kind to cause the damage that they're reporting, quite a few more. They're undisciplined, inconspicuous-" Jasper told the group.

"New borns." Mina said more to herself though they all heard her. One problem after another Mina thought to herself, rolling her eyes slightly that this would somehow become their problem to fix.

"What like new vampires?" Bella asked trying to stay in the loop, her question earning something between a groan and a scoff from Mina who suddenly wished she had gone shopping with girls instead of staying back.

"No Bella, new born baby's committing mass murder." Mina said, her voice monotone.

"The first few months after the change." Edward clarified for Bella, giving Mina a slight look.

"That's when we're at our most uncontrollable, vicious, insane with thirst." Jasper said with a faraway look in his eye. His already thick country accent somehow getting thicker.

"This doesn't feel random." Mina said looking at Carlisle, making him hum. "Someone's creating an army."

Mina caught Emmet smirk in the corner of her eye, making her shake her head in amusement at his willingness to always fight.

"Well now we're definitely going to Seattle." Emmet said as he stood up with a little bounce in his step, his dimples in full show.

"An army of vampires?" Bella said, The anxiety practically radiating off of her.

"They've been created to fight someone." Jasper said.

"And we're the only clan even close to Seattle." Edward said, finishing for jasper.

"Something tells me it has something to do with Romeo and Juliet over here." Mina said eyeing the couple in question with exasperation. The last year had been filled with danger because of the two so it didn't feel too far off that this would somehow lead back to them too. So far her only theories were either the Volturi or Victoria, but knowing Edward and Bella, it could have been some other new threat, she wouldn't put that past them.

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