.•.Alice's Parties.•.

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"Ugh." Mina said as she unceremoniously throw her graduation gown on, "why must we keep doing this to ourselves."

Her attitude pulled a snort from Rosalie who stood in front of her adjusting the gown so it sat straight.

"Next time, we're "homeschooling." She said with quotation fingers, while staring directly at Carlisle, wanting her petition for 'no more school' to be heard. "Or at the very least, let's go to university again, at least the parties were fun."

No one could actually disagree with her there, university and college had always been far more interesting than high school.

"It's not a bad idea." Beverly said agreeing with Mina

"Emmet could join a frat house like how he's always wanted." Jasper said jokingly making Emmet nod violently behind him, fully behind the idea.

Emmets life long dream had to be in a frat. No one could deny that the man child certainly has the personality for it.

The kids all remember distantly in the eighties when they all went to college and Emmet did a keg stand. Was it impressive, yes. Was watching him have to spew that alcohol back up out of his cold dead body impressive, not so much.

"Absolutely not." Esme and Carlisle said at the same time, shuddering at the idea of Emmet partaking in frat boy activities. He would probably reveal his supernatural status accidentally, and they were already on thin ice with the volturi.

"Ok so no frat Emmet, but let's put on a pin on going to college." Esme said kindly, wanting her kids to be happy.

The parents ushered the kids out of the house, not wanting to be late for the ceremony.


"When we were five they asked us what we wanted to be when we grew up."  Jessica spoke into the mike overlooking the crowd.

As much as Mina wanted to pay attention, she for the life of her could fathom as to why their gowns and caps were yellow. Of all colours, why yellow.

Forks was a gloomy town, this everyone who lived here were all for a lack of a better word, deathly pale, so who who the fuck chose yellow to represent its graduating class?

Her lips were pursed deep in thought, her brow furrowed at this conundrum. In her reverie she failed to notice her wife, who was seated next to Esme lovingly watching her ignore the world going on around her in her own boredom.

"This is the time to make mistakes." Jessica continued, which is about when Mina started to zone back into the present. "Take the wrong train and get stuck somewhere, fall in love."

Mina smiled to herself, it was like just hearing the word love created a telepathic connect to her and her wife. Despite not looking in Rosalie's direction, she could feel the Blondes gaze on her, making her smirk to herself.

The speech came to end, much to Mina's pleasure. To be honest she wanted to get this day over with and it was just the beginning. Alice had a whole party planned at their house later and the only reason Mina didn't oppose the idea fully was because she knew the teenagers around her well enough to know that alcohol would be flowing, and she deserved a night of being drunk in her humble opinion.

Sure enough, the ceremony ended quickly. The novelty of graduating had lost its kick a long my time ago for her. It all felt like a waste of time at this point. Though she was glad this was over, it didn't help that Alice had basically forced all the siblings to set up for the party, doing things like hanging streamers and lights, getting snacks (Mina buying some alcohol on the side, just in case) and setting up the perfect party playlist.


She might have done her own little pre game drinking while her wife and siblings set up the party, so by the time the guest arrived and the part was in session, Mina was happy to say that she was in the drunk realm.

Rosalie Stuck to her side, her arm around her chatty drunk wife was she was yanked every which way making random conversations with strangers, much to Rosalie's dismay.

"I miss the days when I could get drunk." Rosalie whispered in Mina's ear, making the hybrid involuntarily shiver. "You are having way too much fun right now."

"Jealous?" Mina playfully whispered back, a lazy smile on her face.

"Extremely." Rosalie replied just as playfully, happy that she had her wife's attention once again. She loved that Mina was having fun, but selfishly she'd rather Mina was having fun with her.

"How about, me and you." Mina started point a limp finger between towards Rosalie and herself, "go have our own fun, somewhere else." She propositioned with a dopey smile.

Not a thought behind those beautiful eyes, Rosalie thought to herself while staring at her lover.

"Sure." Rosalie said simply, slipping her hand downwards into Mina's and dragging her through the crowd, up the stairs and into their previously locked room.

Mina stumbled as Rosalie pushed her into their shared room, closing and locking the door behind her. She plopped herself onto the end of the bed, and looked back at her beautiful wife.

Rosalie sauntered her way over to Mina, making Mina smile wider at what was about to happen.

Rosalie dutifully took off Mina's shoes, followed by her dress, leaving her in her underwear, and just as Mina went in for a kiss, she was swiftly shoved backwards, Rosalie discarding her own clothing before joining her wife in bed.

"Try to go to sleep baby." Rosalie said as she rejected another kiss from her wife but instead pulled her closer and started running her fingers through Mina's dark curls.

"Wha—" mina started, sitting up slightly, narrowing her eyes at her wife, "I thought we were gonna have some fun. You know—"

"You're drunk baby." Said simply as she gazed back at her wife.

Mina hummed before laying all her body weight into Rosalie and burring her face in the crook of her neck

"Mmkay." She replied, her voice muffled by her position, "later though when I'm not drunk." She while lifting her head up to look into Rosalie's eyes, before carelessly flopping her head down again, making Rosalie smile at her. "You looked very pretty tonight though." She continued her voice still muffled and drifting off.

"Thank you." Rosalie said, a hint of an unknown emotion suddenly showed itself on her face, her eyes welling up in tears that would never fall.

Unknown to them, in Carlisles office a few rooms over, some of the Cullens, Bella and a few shifters were all discussing the threat that was heading their way.


Alrighty y'all, I'm not sure where I want this story to go, so I'll ask you guys. I have alternative story lines, I'm not gonna give too much away, I just want to see which you guys would prefer.

I'm not putting these options there as a 'you can only pick one' type deal, I just want to know if you would like the story to go into this direction.

1. I've already set up this idea that perhaps Mina's venom could change other creatures (vampires or children of the moon) into hybrids, do we want to go this route?

2. Do we want Bree to stay alive? If so I have a storyline involving her, this could be mixed with option one.

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