.•.Amercia's Pass time.•.

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Emmet and Mina were rough housing on the middle of the field while the rest of the Cullens were setting up where the bases were gonna be

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Emmet and Mina were rough housing on the middle of the field while the rest of the Cullens were setting up where the bases were gonna be.

The teams had been set, Emmet got his wish, saying that couples shouldn't be on the same team, so Mina was on his. Once the teams were set, they immediately got to trash talking each other. All bets were off, it didn't matter that they were all married, a game is a game.

Though that didn't mean they couldn't get distracted by their partners, which was happening at this exact moment. Rosalie sat on the grass doing a few stretches, which Mina knew she was doing it to distract her, as vampires didn't need to stretch.

"Playing dirty already huh?" Mina said as she sat cross legged in front of her wife. Rosalie gave a light laugh, playing dumb. She knew the real way to win a game against enhanced creatures was to get in their heads and it was safe to say that she was living rent free in Mina's head at the moment.

"I'm just stretching baby." Rosalie replied, a fake confused pout on her face. That look did things to Mina, thank god Edward wasn't here because he would be horrified at the ways Mina was thinking of wiping that look off of Rosalie's face.

"Uh huh—I see how it is." Mina said, getting up and walking away from Rosalie, opting to play a little catch with emmet as a warm up. But Rosalie knew she had her just were she wanted her. Mina's weakness was Rosalie meaning  the game was in the bag.

The psychological warfare was interrupted when Emmets jeep pulled us far back at the tree line and with it came the scent of Bella Swan. It was like the the energy in the air changed, the fun was sucked out for a moment with them realising that Edward brought Bella.

They continued doing what they were doing though, Emmet and Mina playing catch, Alice and Bev gossiping about celebrity news, Jasper doing tricks with his bat and Carlisle messing around with Rosalie so as to distract her from Bella's presence.

Esme was the first to go and greet Bella, giving her a warm hug and taking her off Edwards hands.

"I'm glad you're here, we need an umpire." Esme said while guiding her to their position. "She thinks we cheat." Emmet retorted, though he knew that they did cheat. They always cheated.

Everyone speeded to their positions but not before Mina gave Rosalie a good luck peck on the lips, knowing her team would need it. "Call em as you see em Bella." Esme told Bella as she crouched into position.

Rosalie was up to bat first, Alice being the designated pitcher. In the fielding positions stood Edward, Mina and Emmet, the latter shadow boxing for some reasons that Mina couldn't rationalise, so she chalked it up to typical Emmet behaviour. He had not one thought behind his eyes but he was loveable nonetheless.

"It's time." Alice announced as lightening struck, marking the beginning of the game. Alice waisted no time pitching the first ball of the game to an eager Rosalie.

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