.•.Breadcrumbs P.1.•.

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•"Okay would you rather have a one minute conversation with your future self or your past self

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.•"Okay would you rather have a one minute conversation with your future self or your past self." Rosalie asked Mina as she played with her hair.

It was about ten at night and Mina decided to pull out a wine bottle. For obvious reasons Rosalie couldn't get drunk, but Mina could. And she wasn't drunk per say, but she was very tipsy.

"With my past self for sure, because then I could help my future self too indirectly." She replied, her accent much stronger when tipsy, and some of her words were melting together, though Rosalie could still understand her.

"You what would you choose." Mina asked as she sank deeper into her wife's hold, almost purring at the sensation of Rosalie giving her head scratches.

"I would go with the past too." She said a hint of melancholy in her voice which even in her drun— no tipsy state she heard. She turned around still in Rosalie's hold and hugged her.

She didn't have the mental capability to articulate what she wanted to say at the moment, so she hopped she could send her feelings through the hug, which it seems Rosalie understood as she hugged back just as hard, knowing her wife well.

They stayed in that position for another few minutes, truly enjoying each others presence.

"Would you rather lick someone's armpit or have someone lick your armpit? Mina suddenly asked instantly lightening the mood earning a genuine laugh from Rosalie at her bad transition from emotional moment to stupid question.

"I'd rather someone lick mine." Rosalie replied amused. Mina paused for a second really thinking about Rosalie's answer, she then lifted her wife's arm and gave it a small lick, she then casually shrugged her shoulders and turned her body back into the position she was in before the emotional hug, lifting Rosalie's hand so that it was scratching her head again.

Meanwhile Rosalie stared at her dumbfounded and started fully laughing. "What it's not like you sweat or anything, your armpit tastes of literally nothing, besides I've licked other parts of you before." She said, her voice amused as she also wiggled her eyebrows.

Rosalie playfully hit the top of her head while shaking her own head at her wife's tipsy antics.

"Okay last question for the night, I can see you're getting tired." Rosalie said planting a soft kiss on the top of Mina's head.

"I'm not getting tired." Mina said in protest, her eyes closed. " I just like you scratching my head."

"You are part dog after all." Rosalie joked.

"Okay, would you rather fight a hundred duck sized horses or one horse sized duck?" Rosalie asked.

"I mean I'm literally a vampire and a werewolf. I would annihilate both those options, but I'll go with the tiny horses, they'd be cute. Something about a giant duck freaks me out."

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