Hungover Cody

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~Coy's POV~

I wake up with a massive headache.

"Noah?" I ask and roll over. He's not their and I sit up. "Ugh." the light is soo bright.

"Good morning." Noah says, he walks in carrying a tray with breakfast on it.

"What happened last night?" I ask, and he places the tray over my legs.

"You got drunk and the party got busted by DJ's mom." he says

"Oh. Umm, did I say anything, like, weird?" I ask, scared that I outed my crush on him

"No, don't worry." Noah says, but he's blushing. Wonder why.

We sit there in silence for a bit, me munching on toast and Noah sitting on the edge of the bed, before Noah says "How's your head?"

"It hurts." I say

"Do you want to just stay in here, today?" he asks.

'Uhh, yeah." I say, surprised. I didn't know Noah could be that caring.

We in bed for most of the day, I fall asleep at like 2 o' clock and when I wake up I can see Noah sort of staring at me, with a little smile on his face. But when he notices my eyelashes fluttering he turns back to his book.

"Well, it nice to see you awake, Gap." he says.

"Oh, yeah." I stammer, blushing.

We hear a knock on the door and Noah goes to open it. It's Eva and Izzy, holding hands.

Izzy immediately runs inside. "HIIII!!!" Eva walks in right after her.

"Hi Noah. Cody." she says, sitting on the couch. Izzy follows her and jumps right in Eva's lap.

"What were you guys doing all daay?" Izzy asks, smirking at Noah. Eva does too and I'm very confused.

[266 words] Sorry for the short chapter. I also have another quick question, do you guys want another Truth or Dare/party chapter?

Thank you all for reading!

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