Izzy and Eva

817 16 56

CW: Mentions of drugs

~Cody's POV~

Eva and Izzy are staying in our room tonight. They left back to theirs to get blankets, pillows, and snacks. Noah collapses on the bed.

"Are you ok?" I ask

"Izzy's. A lot." he says and I nod. Izzy and Eva open the door and Gwen and Trent are standing behind them. They all walk in and Noah asks

"Why are you guys here?"

"Izzy invited us." Gwen says and Trent says "I hope we're not intruding."

"It's fine." Noah says. We all settle on the couch and Noah turns on Scream. Ghostface appears and Eva screams, jumping into Izzy's arms.

"Didn't figure you for a scaredy-cat, Eva." says Trent

"I'm not." she snarls. We continue watching the movie. Noah makes a comment on how gay Billy and Stu are. Trent an Gwen nod their head. Gwen's in Trent's lap, with her lugs curled up, they're holding each others hands and resting their heads on each others. I just wish I could do the same with Noah.

We all hear a knock on the door and we all turn around. Noah goes to open the door and it reveals...

Geoff and Bridgette!!

"Chya dude, we're here for the couples sleepover?" Geoff says

"Izzy." Noah says, under his breath. He lets the two and they sit down on the couch.

"What are we watching?" Bridgette asks

"Scream, but it's almost over." I say

"Good, I hate scary movies." she says

"Izzy loves scary movies!" Izzy says. We finish the movie and start playing Uno.

"Uno!" I say proudly, holding up my one card.

"Not so fast due." says Geoff "Uno." We go around the table and the color changes, meaning I can't win and apparently neither can Geoff. It's Izzy's turn and she yells out "Uno!" she wwins the whole round and then Trent asks

"What are we going to do next?"

"OOOOh. What about Never Have I Ever!!" Izzy says

"Yeah, sure." we all agree and sit in a circle

"I'll go first." Gwen says "Never have I ever, killed someone."

Noah laughs "Wow Gwen, wonder who's done that here." he says sarcastically

Izzy puts her finger down. "Izzy your supposed to put a finger down if you have done the thing." Eva says

"Yeah, I know." she says and we all move away slightly. And next is Izzy.

"Never have I ever...hmm...done cocaine!" Izzy says and nobody puts their finger down. Except Geoff.

"Geoff!" Bridgette says

"What, Bridgy-Bear? I only did it once on a dare!" he says. It's Eva's turn and she says

"Never have I ever, owned a pet." Everybody puts their finger down except me and Eva.

"You've never had a pet!" Izzy and Noah exclaim.

"I moved out when I was 15, I couldn't afford it." Eva says

"And my parents never got me one." Cody says

"We should get one when I move in with you!" Izzy says

"You guys are moving in together?" Trent asks

"Yeah!" Izzy says

"Congratulations and good luck." Noah says. We continue the game for a bit and it's Noah's turn again.

"Never have I ever, failed a class." he says. Geoff, Gwen, and I put our fingers down.

"Home ec." I say


"I failed 9th grade science, algebra, and PE, my dudes." Geoff says

"PE?" Gwen asks

"Ya, my coach was brutal!"

It's my turn after a few minutes and I say "Never have I ever been kissed."

Everybody puts a finger down except me (Cody kinnie moment lol)

"Wait. I thought you and Noah were dating." Geoff says, looking confused

"No. Izzy made that up." Noah says

"Oopsie." Izzy says "But Noah. You should be Cody's first kiss. Hehe"

"No." Noah says

Gwen yawns "Sorry, guys."

"It's ok, we should get to sleep anyways." I say. Izzy and Eva get into their sleeping bags, Gwen and Trent get the couch, and Bridgette and Geoff collect a bunch of blankets before falling into each others' arms. I smile.

A few hours later, I'm trying to fall asleep but can't. I notice Noah wearing his reading glasses and squinting over his book in the dark.

"Noah." I say

"Huh." he says

"I think you should be my first kiss."

"Don't you like girls?" he asks

"Well, I have a crush here and-"

"Who is it?"

"That's none of your business." I say, blushing "But I would like a bit more experience before I kiss him."

"Him?" Noah asks

"You've got a problem with that?" I ask

"Yeah. You know my thoughts on those queers." he says in a southern accent "But seriously." he drops the accent "Who do you have a crush on?"

"Do you want to kiss me or not?" I ask, hoping he'll say yes

"Sure." he says, shrugging. He leans over to my side of the bed and I lean towards him. Our lips connect, he tastes like coffee and popcorn and I tangle my hands in his hair. His hands clasp my face and we dissolve away into our own world. His tongue pokes against my lips, searching for entry. I'm about to open my mouth when we're interrupted by Geoff knocking on the door.

"Hey my dudes. Where's the bathroom?" he asks

"Um, just through that door." Noah says. His face is the cover of pink cotton candy and I can feel that my cheeks are very hot.

I lay back down in the bed, thinking about the kiss. It was my first kiss. And it was with Noah. I can't believe it!

~Noah's POV~

It's 4 am and Cody's asleep. I can't believe it. I kissed Cody. I'm internally freaking out. It was amazing! He tasted like candy and Mountain Dew. It was the best kiss I've ever had. And it was with Cody.

[900 words] LOVE THIS CHAPTER!! AGGH. I was very much like kicking my feet writing the kiss. Sorry of the descriptions are a bit weird, I've literally never been kissed/kissed someone lol.

Thank you SO MUCH for reading and get ready for some fun stuff the next chapter!

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