The New Guy

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Oh hey.. since you bothered to acknowledge me, which to be honest is a relief because at least some people other than my own family notice that I exist, I might as well tell you who I am.

I'm Xavier Marshall, transfer student to Crystal Cove High School all the way from Miami, Florida. Sixteen years old, with light brown hair and attractive green eyes, six feet tall with a good bit of muscle on my body, and a lot of scars from over the years.

How I got those scars?

It's simple, really. Painfully simple.

Life before I moved here really liked to screw me over. Bullying, injuries, things I couldn't control.. it's a miracle that I didn't commit suicide. Life just kept messing with me every single day no matter how good my grades were, how well I behaved at school.. just one bad day after another.

I don't really expect anything good to come out of Crystal Cove, even as I sit in the back seat of my dad's suburban writing this in my journal. Not at all.. for all I know, life could have brought me the joy of being able to get out of the hellhole of Miami just to keep screwing with me here in Crystal Cove.

My family's really all that's kept me going over the years, through all the heartache and pain. There's just my stepdad, my mom, my uncle, my mother's cousin who lives with us, and my dad's stepdaughter from a previous marriage, my little seven year old stepsister named Alice - who I adore and cherish. Given that compared to the constant rain showers life gave me every day, Alice was full of rainbows in her life, I probably should have been jealous of my little stepsister.

I wasn't, really.. I felt quite the opposite. Despite the darkest moments life threw at me in Miami, there was always Alice and my family there to remind me that - even though it seemingly never materialized until our parents decided to move here to Crystal Cove - that things were going to be okay. I'd do anything for Alice and my family - but mostly Alice. She's the main reason I'm still living, after the rest of my family of course.

I will be quite frank, I'd do absolutely anything for Alice. Even if it meant I had to beat the crap out of a monster for my little sister, I'd do it. I don't give two craps of how scary it even is. If I have to, I'll do it.

I never really had any friends in school, apart from say Alice and my family. I was too busy being bullied and such to even make them. So, no surprise, I'm more or less a socially anxious moody person with anger issues. Not too much that it requires therapy or such, but if someone tries to do anything harmful to Alice or my family, I fly off the handle.

The only other real thing you should know about me is that I carry an actual sword on me at all times whenever possible. I found out in early middle school that training with a sword really helped me get the negative emotions out of me after the bad days, so I just took it as a hobby and an outlet. Trust me, I'm one of the best swordsmen Miami ever produced.. it's honestly the only part of that hellhole I'm proud of.

Anyway, here comes Crystal Cove. Oh joy, welcome to what will possibly be my new hellhole. Like, maybe.. just maybe life, you try not to screw me over here? Please? Is that too much to ask for?

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