0.0 - A Pecuilar Group Of Kids, Part One

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(A/N: The first act.. this is going to be mostly from Xavier's POV, with exceptions to the rule. Rules will change once we hit the second act, which will consist of the original episodes as well as a few new cases intermixed in between for multi mystery arcs centered around Xavier's relationship with a particular girl. But anyways, here we go!)

Xavier's POV

I honestly didn't know what I was actually expecting from Crystal Cove, but the fact that on the big sign coming into the downtown area, instead of something like 'We're glad you're here' or something like that, it said 'the most hauntedest place on earth' underneath the town's name definitely was not one of them.

I was riding in my dad's car when we passed the sign. It was just me, him, and my uncle in the truck. Mom, Alice, and my mother's cousin - all of whom were female - were in the suburban, with all of our stuff in the two moving vans behind Mom and Dad's vehicles.

"Dad.. Uncle Atticus.." I said, turning my head towards my dad. "What's the words 'Most haunted-est place on Earth' supposed to mean?"

My father, who was a couple inches taller than me and in the driver's seat of the maroon colored Ford pickup truck, spoke up first. "Well, Xavier.." he starts. "..the town of Crystal Cove has had an interesting past.. one that still mystifies people even today. People believe that the town is under some sort of curse.. starting from the 1630s when a group of Spanish conquistadors who arrived where the harbor now is today all disappeared. Not a trace of them was ever found." 

"Wow.. that's weird.." I responded, though to be fair, a logical explanation to it would be nature or one of the local tribes who lived nearby in the area during that time period killing all of the conquistadors and then the elements burying all the evidence.

"It gets weirder, kid.." Dad continued. "125 to 135 years later, the original town of missionaries who settled the area also disappeared. While it is said that the town sunk into the sea, again not a trace of any of the missionaries were found. Then just over 100 years later, the original founders of the town of Crystal Cove, the Darrow family, were all caught inside their house when it mysteriously sunk into the earth. Not one of them emerged from it."

"That's really mysterious.. and weird.." I said, seemingly stunned. It made zero sense. How could an entire town of missionaries just simply disappear when their town just sunk into the sea? There should have been maybe skeletons below the water.

"Don't think about it too hard, kid.." said Uncle Dennis from the back seat. "Like your dad said, it still mystifies people even today. Besides, the town really gets its name from all the phony supernatural stuff going on these days."

"Phony?" I ask, intrigued.

"Lots of people around here, for no real reason other than greed, revenge, or some other motive dress up as seemingly supernatural creatures or ghosts and frighten the townspeople, though every single one of them has been unmasked as fake.. much to the annoyance of some of the townsfolk.." Uncle Dennis says, and then I butt in after he's done.

"Hold up a bit.. you aren't making any sense.. why the hell would some of these people in this town be annoyed by all of that?" I ask, really confused, and who could really blame me? That was seemingly just illogical in my opinion.

"One word, my boy: tourism. Having replicas of monsters they have had here brings in some tourists, but you know what would bring in plenty of tourists? A supernatural occurrence that's real" replies my dad.

"That seems a bit.. crazy.." I say, and my dad looks at me, concern in his green eyes.

"Look, Xavier.. some of these people.. they don't seem like the normal type of people here.. some of them - for the lack of a better word - lack brain cells.. and are just clueless like you would not believe.." he says, as he pulls into the driveway of our new home, in the hills just east of town. In the distance, or should I say just a few houses down the road, over the short cliff past the end of the road, we could see the top of a big mansion.

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