1.1 - Beware The Beast From Below, Part Two

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Needless to say, having to deal with Sheriff Bronson Stone in the aftermath of what they found in the caves only served to make it clear in Xavier's mind that his dad was right to say that the Sheriff wasn't the brightest bulb in the house.

Sheriff Stone points a finger at them angrily while the bodies are being loaded into the ambulance. "Alright.. now, you three.. and you for the first time, Xavier.." he says, making note that this is the first time for Xavier. "..see what happens when you kids stick your noses where they don't belong. People get cocooned!"

"Like man.. we found 'em like that.." Shaggy replies, before Xavier takes over.

"Yeah, he's right. They were like that when we found them. If you honestly want exactly who did that, then I suggest you look for the monster that attacked us before we found them. This guy was made out of slime, could shoot out his hands like he had the power to make his arms as long as he wanted, and had a face with sharp teeth and creepy red eyes that could probably make you crap your pants.." he adds, and the Sheriff nods, but that's the most Xavier gets in the Sheriff actually doing anything, after he notes all that down.

"Slime Monster.. good to know. Thanks for the description, but from this point forward.. this is a crime scene and future tourist attraction. Stay out of it.." Sheriff Stone says before walking off.

Xavier turns to who he thinks is Fred and doesn't wait to make his disgust known. "My father was right.. that man really is useless.." he says, and is surprised to find Shaggy and Scooby both nodding in agreement, but not Fred.

"He's crazy.." Shaggy agrees. "But then again.."

Xavier stops him from going any further. "Wait.." he says. "Where the hell is Fred?"

The only response he gets from the two of them before they both skedaddle back into the Mystery Machine is to point to Xavier's right. Xavier turns and it takes everything he has not to start screaming when he sees Fred carrying one of the cocooned bodies on his shoulders and running towards the van as well.

"Shaggy, start the van!" Fred shouts and Xavier is now also running, flabbergasted and shocked at what Fred was doing.

Once all of them are in and Shaggy is driving the van to school, Xavier looks at Fred who is in the back now with the cocooned body and Scooby, with Xavier still having a shocked look on his face.

"Are you out of your freaking mind, Fred?" Xavier shouts.

"No.. I'm me.." Fred replies, much to the bewilderment of Xavier.

"You just stole a dang body, Fred. A body! Are you seriously that crazy?!" Xavier asks back. Fred is about to open his mouth, but Shaggy decides to complete what he was about to say earlier.

"But then again.." he says, with no look of approval on his face. "..so is Fred."

Fred just shuts up at that, and Xavier just turns around and facepalms himself on his forehead, moaning. What the hell is with these people? He thinks to himself. He then turns back and then notices something, something that makes his eyes widen.

"Uh.. guys.." he says. "I don't think that guy is actually dead. I think he's still alive."

"Are you sure? That guy looks pretty dead to me.." Fred replies, unsure that Xavier is actually saying the truth.

"Fred, I've been in a CSI class back in Miami in Middle School. I've seen plenty of crime shows in my spare time. I know what a dead body looks like, and that guy doesn't fit within the parameters of it.." Xavier says back.

"Well, either way, I think I know who can help us with this" Fred says, a smile on his face. Xavier moans again, because he knows now that today - and who knows how long this monster is around - will be anything but normal.

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