0.6 - Urban Twilight

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As the town of Crystal Cove gradually became dark and quiet that night, a security guard at a certain animal asylum checked the high security area where the cell of a certain brilliant bird was located. It was late at night, but as the guard peeked his head around the corner, the bird was still there.

"Okay.. Professor Pericles is still in his cell.. the cameras aren't playing tricks on us again.. fantastic.. at least I can relax easy.." he said audibly, before turning around and coming back the way he came. As he did though, he missed the way Pericles turned around in his cell, and tilted his bird head upward, facing the full moon which he could see through the skylight of his dark, black and white-like colored cell, which had him in a glass chamber in a straitjacket.

"The full moon tonight.. I wonder what curiosities will come to Crystal Cove this time.." the bird mused, merely content to observe the moon tonight.

Meanwhile, from the highest point of the mountains on the north side of Crystal Cove, an unusual looking figure observed the town far, far below it from an old Spanish monastery, on which it was perched in the front end of the old church above the entrance. Freakishly pale-looking, with two horns sticking up out of his forehead, with black hair flowing down behind its head, incredibly muscular, and with green eyes, this figure stared down at the town with a wide, evil smile and then turned back to the full moon, which it could clearly in the distance east of the town.

"All the players in place.." the abnormality spoke. "So now the fun is on at last. Nowhere to hide, nowhere to run.. the curse begun once more at last."

It then let out a long, psychotic laugh as it disappeared like a ghost from where it had been standing.

At the same time, a certain professor from Crystal Cove High School was getting himself into a costume made out of the desserts from a certain dessert restaurant in downtown Crystal Cove while in the back room of said restaurant. Holding up the mask in his slimy, costumed hands, and gazing out the back window at the night sky, and the full moon in the distance, he said, "Full moon tonight. Hopefully, this disguise should be able to cause enough mayhem, fright, and tourist causing attraction for this town that no one will dare try to stop me from getting away with my plan" he said, putting the mask on. With it on, the professor inside the suit breathed a sigh of relief before climbing down a hole in the floor into the caves below. It was time for him to go to work.

As all of this played out, the mysterious freakish creature reappeared soon after, only this time he was now on the roof of Crystal Cove High School. Across on the opposite side was another figure, a more skinny, yet equally mysterious person facing the other direction away from the freak, in a black brimmed hat and wearing a black cape behind itself. Its head was covered up to the hat by an upward pointed extension of the cape.

"So.. a new generation is about to enter the grasp of the curse.." the Freak said to the figure. "Should be an interesting time for these next few months, will they, Montoya?"

Montoya turned around, revealing a figure dressed in black that was definitely human, wearing a Venetian mask over most of their pale face.

"You know, Freak.." Montoya replied. "I'm not as much interested in the descendant of Brad and Judy, but the other boy.. the one that moved here."

"Xavier, wasn't it?" asked the Freak, before the creature remembered. "Yes, he is an odd fellow. Why the interest, Montoya?"

"Because, Freak.." Montoya replied, taking on a more ominous tone. "Out of them and the other teens of Crystal Cove, I have a feeling we will be tangling with this boy more than once over these next few months."

The Freak howled in laughter. "Really, the two of us against him? That boy pales in comparison to us supernatural entities!"

"That would be correct.." Montoya replied. "..if I wasn't sensing the presence of the entity inside of him."

The Freak froze, and his mouth hung open in shock. "No way.. he's sealed down there in that tomb.. how the hell is his essence inside of the boy?" he said, alarmed.

"I do not know.. and at this point, his intentions don't seem to be malevolent as usual.." Montoya replied. "I will keep watch to see if that changes."

"Good luck, old friend.." the Freak replied. "He must never be allowed to truly escape, for the world will suffer.."

"Indeed, friend.." Montoya replied. "We're all that's left of the spirits that keep him from escaping. Hopefully, our effects should be enough to keep them in check, as with the other members of the original Mystery Inc. that still harbor desires to find the treasure."

"They will not succeed.." the Freak growled. "We will make sure of that."

"The future holds many shadows, my friend.." Montoya replied. "Not all of them I can see through right now."

"Whatever happens, we do this together. Seems these next few months will be very interesting.." the Freak said, then disappeared like a ghost once more.

Montoya turned back to the full moon and wondered. "I believe we will see what Xavier Marshall has to offer very, very soon.." the entity predicted, before it too disappeared from the rooftop of Crystal Cove High School, neither leaving no trace that either of them were ever there.

Montoya's prediction would soon prove accurate.. for when dawn broke on the following day, the chain of events that led to the final removal of the curse of Crystal Cove were set into motion.

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