Epilogue/ My Cat, My Cat and Me

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I rode home after work, and once again the hour was way later than I wanted it to be. But it was my last project at this company so I might as well do my best. I sighed heavily. Doesn't make it any easier though honestly. Every day I walk in knowing I'm about to leave made me want to just coast until my resignation date. I rolled my shoulders, massaging them to try to ease the stress knots there.

There was one other man there who looked just as tired and annoyed as I was. We're in this together buddy. I got off at my stop and shuffled up the street toward my apartment. I delayed a step to hear someone walking behind me. I sighed again and walked past my apartment to a nearby park. I sat on a bench nearby and the man from the train sat beside me. I take back saying we were in this together. No comradery for this asshole.

"I'm guessing the Gojo household sent you?" I sighed.

"They ordered me to make you unwilling to have Gojo in your presence again."

So they asked you to traumatize me.

His family didn't approve of the decision in the slightest. It was the hardest they fought Satoru on anything. He never told me what they said but I can imagine. She's not a sorcerer, she's a foreigner, she doesn't even have an impressive background et cetera et cetera. First, it started with condescending impromptu meetings with members of his clan. Then it was letters. Then it was bribes. And I snitched every single time. Why should I endure this quietly?

Now they've taken to trying to scare me away. I guess if it was effective enough our relationship couldn't work anyway. I dug in my purse for what I was looking for. I'm surprised the man took the job considering the reputation I was starting to get. The man stood up and stared me down.

"It's nothing personal. I even sympathize with you to an extent." He said.

"You promise?" I asked.

He looked at me quizzically before I shot him in the leg and then the chest. He crumpled to the ground gasping and grunting. Thank god my hunch was correct. I purchased a tranquilizer gun and replaced the chemicals inside with neurotoxins to prevent them from being able to use their cursed technique. All I knew was that it was a brain thing from the few times I was brave enough to ask. If I did it Satoru's way I would've had an actual gun.

"They're not bulletproof," He said cheerfully while handing you a gun. "Keep this on you at all times or I'll never let you leave my side."

By the way his face was concentrating, I could tell he was trying to activate his cursed technique. He struggled to pull out the needles. According to Shoko, Satoru already threatened his family and it was pretty radio silent. This guy either wasn't informed or was tricked into it by a more reckless member of the Gojo clan.

"Remember! You said this wasn't personal." I called after him before leaving to my apartment.

When I came inside, I caught a whiff of his uniform and screwed up my face. The washer was going so he was washing it but good god those curses stink.

"Hey, baby!" He said immediately squeezing me into a hug. "Did you quit your job yet?"

"Not yet." I said.

"Did you really have to give them a heads up?"

"Some of us don't have rich families."

"But you will."

"If your family allows it."

"They couldn't stop me if they tried."

"They sent someone after me just now."

"Seems like not everyone got the message..." He murmured to himself with a frown. Then he smiled again. "I'll take care of it. In the meantime..."

Satoru pressed his lips to mine, tempting me with slow soft kisses. He slid my jacket off and fiddled with my shirt. I smiled and pushed him off.

"You gonna let me get past the doorway?"


A little meow sounded from the living room and I immediately rushed over to hug my adorable little cat. He purred, brushing against my legs until I picked him up. I gave him a little kiss and instantly felt refreshed.

"Should I forgive him? I told him I was a delicate flower and he has me fighting his family."


"I know right?!"

We've been dating for about two years at this point and I knew I didn't really want to be with anyone else. His family was getting on my damn nerves though. And since he was the legendary six-eyes + infinity combo meal they couldn't exactly write him off. It was exhausting. I've met his students who apparently were surprised any woman wanted to deal with him. I told them I was a sucker for cute faces and clingy men. I thought Satoru would protest but he responded with a bright smile that made my heart skip a beat. He held my hand for the rest of that day.

I put Toru down and Satoru immediately sat us down so he could hold me in his arms. Every little habit we've formed filled me with a fondness I couldn't deny. My house is permanently ice cold so Satoru can have an excuse to hold me. He bought custom furniture so we could cuddle comfortably. I've grown to like crisp smells because his shampoo always smells that way. I've started to make a habit of always touching him in some way. I got into Digimon so I could understand the references he kept saying.

He always says goodbye when he leaves. Even when he's just going to the corner store.

I always asked about his day and told him he was doing great.

He always wants to use my umbrella on rainy days.

I always run my hands through his hair when we cuddle.

I caught a whiff of a terrible smell on my pillow and I narrowed my eyes at him. He took a look at the pillow and gave me a cutesy expression. He always did that when he got caught.

"Didn't I tell you not to get the curse stink on anything?"

"I remember you telling me to immediately strip when I get home-"

"I remember you saying that that one time."

"Oh yea! We should do that again." He whispered in my ear.

I purposefully stared at the screen to ignore the effect those words had on me. I loved him. I haven't told him that yet because I told myself to give it two years. We'll have our two-year anniversary in a few weeks. I'll say it then. Satoru made a joke in my ear that I paused the show and laughed at until I couldn't breathe. When I recovered, his fingers laced with mine and I smiled again. If he was never turned into a cat, we would've never met. And I never would've felt this sense of contentment.

"I hope you don't think I forgot about my pillow, Satoru."

He sucked his teeth.

A/N: And that's the end!! Hope y'all liked it!

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