Chapter:05 Five

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"Mom!" I screamed at the top of my lungs and a few minutes later my mother ran into my room with a worried face plastered on her face.

"What is it dear?" She ask me as she walked up to where I was standing. "I can't find my phone, have you by any chance seen it? " I asked her as I began searching my entire room messing it up.

"Maybe you dropped it at the festival last night." She stated and I looked at her in horror. "That's worse I might never find it."

Thats  when the doorbell rang and I looked at my mom. "I will answer it." I said hoping it was Kelly and she probably knew where it was.

I made my way downstairs and opened the door, only to find Theo there. I looked at him and he looked at me then handed me my phone that had a letter on it.

The letter read 'You dropped this last night in the forest.' I smiled at the sight of my phone. "Thank you so much, Theo." I hugged him and he did not hug me back instead he removed my arms from around him then turned around to leave. "Not a hugger, I see."

"Thank you." I thanked him again as he walked away.

I breathed out in relief as I closed the door and walked back to my room. "I found it, mom. Turns out it had fallen last night." I imformed her and she smiled, "Dear, today i will be going to the city for work. I will be gone for a week." She imformed me.

My mom's job requires her to do a lot of traveling and when I was younger I used to stay over at Kelly's house but now I'm old enough to stay home alone.

"I leave in a few minutes and are you sure you can stay here all by yourself for a week?" She asked me. "Yes mom I will be okay." I told her.

She always asked me that same question everytime when she had to leave me home alone.

Her phone began ringing and she answered it after a while she ended the call and looked at me as she placed her hand on my cheek,"I have to go now, dear. You should call me every single day and if anything happens call me." She told me. "Okay mom i will call everyday."

She kissed my cheek before walking out of my room and a while later I heard the front door close.

I sat down on the edge of my bed and switched on my phone and went to contacts then called Kelly.

"Hi, Addy." She said as she answered the phone.

"Hi, Kells do you wanna come over tonight?" I asked her.

"Yeah sure, I have to go right now my mom wants me to help her clean out the attic." She imformed me and we said our goodbyes before the call ended.

I became bored and Kelly was busy so i decided to text Theo.

Adalyn :Hi (with a smiley face)

Theo :Bye.

Adalyn :what no. Anyways do you want to hang out?

Theo :No, and you are disturbing my peace. Bye.

I gasped before deciding to call him. The phone rang for a minute before he picked up. "Come on Theo,you need to spend a day with someone." I said,and he ended the call.

Adalyn :Theo, Theo, Theo, Theo, Theo, Theo.

Theo:I could just block you.

Adalyn :but you wouldn't.

After I sent the text he blocked me. Maybe he would, actually he did. I thought.

I stood up and decided to go to Kelly's house since Theo did not want to hang out with me.

I locked the front door behind me as i walked out. I turned on my phone to check something as i walked next door before i knew it i had bumped into someone.

I looked at the person I bumped into and it was a boy who I had never seen before around the neighborhood and even town.

"I'm so sorry." I apologized. "It's okay. Can I ask do you by chance know where freehill street is?" He asked me, "Yes I actually do it's not to far from here I can take you." I offered to take him.

And he thanked me in advance. We began walking, "So where are you from I know you are not from here?"I asked him." I'm from the city. "He replied.

" Are you visiting Riverstone? "I asked and he nod. We reached freehill street and he walked up to the house he was going to and I escorted him to the front door.

He rang the doorbell and I was about to leave until the door opened and Theo stood by the door and when he saw me his expression changed from normal to annoyed.

"Hi Theo." I greeted him and he just looked at me as usual. "Do you two know each other?"The boy asked. And I nod yes and Theo shook his head no.

" It's a small town most of everyone know each other. "I told the boy. At that moment i realized I did not introduce myself." I almost forgot to introduce myself. Hi I'm Adalyn Rose and I'm Theo's close friend. "

" I'm Corey Ravens, Theos Cousin. "He introduced himself Theo began typing something on his phone and after he was done Corey got a text and he read it out loud.

" I don't know her. "He read the text and then I received a call from Theo and I looked at him and he waved me bye then ended the call.

" Bye Theo and Corey. I will see you both later. "I said." Bye Adalyn it was nice meeting you. "Corey said and I began to walk away.

I smiled as I know that Theo was getting used to me and hopefully feeling a bit of what friendship feels like.

I highly doubt, but I still will not give up on him.

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