Chapter:09 Nine

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"Adalyn, are you ready for school? You can't be late on your first day back to school." My mother asked me as she entered my room and i nod.

"Come and eat breakfast before leaving for school." She told me and i picked up my bag from the floor then packed all the things i would need before walking out of my room.

I walked downstairs and entered the kitchen where my mother gave me a plate of food after i sat down.

I quickly ate as i talked to my mother about somethings. When i had finished i put my dish in the sink and hugged my mother goodbye before walking out of the house and going to Kelly's house to fetch her so we can walk to school together.

I rang the doorbell then a while later Kelly opened the door. "Hi, Addy." She greeted me as she left the house closing the door behind her.

"Hi, Kells." We began walking and Kelly began complaining about going back to school and i laughed as she complained.

Riverstone high was a very full school mostly because its the only high school  in Riverstone. There are only three schools in Riverstone which are the Elementary and middle school which are one, preschool, and High school.

We reached the school and Kelly sighed. "It's like when I'm outside of school i am happy but once I step foot into the schools gates I become sad." She said and i laughed.

"You are the only person helping me survive high school." She told me and i smiled. We walked into school and everyone was minding their own business and doing their own thing. The hallway was filled with noise as people spoke to each other.

We made our way to our lockers which were by the entrance of the school.

"I can't believe those teachers separated us from all our classes." Kelly gasped as she read through her time table on her phone. "I think we both know why. We can't keep quiet when together." I said.

"They still suc-" Kelly did not finish her sentence when Corey entered the school on his skateboard he greeted us as he rode past us then he bumped into Gina Winchester. Gina is the most popular girl in Riverstone high mostly because her father is mayor.

Kelly and I looked at each other knowing what was to come but Gina got up from the floor and looked at him and began I think flirting with him.

"Don't worry I forgive you." She said to him and he looked around confused. "Can I have your number?" She asked him. "I'm sorry but the only girl I got eyes for is Kelly David." He told her and Gina looked at Kelly with the deadliest glare i had ever seen.

Kelly looked like she wanted to dissappear. Gina scoffed and walked away then Miss Roosevelt walked up to Corey. She is the principal and the scariest woman i had ever met.

" Mr Ravens, we do not condone this type  behavior in this school. You have detention in my office after school." Her voice boomed across the hallway then she walked away.

Corey walked up to Kelly and i and Kelly looked at him livid. "Detention on your first day." I said. "It's a new record." He replied.

Whispers could be heard and I looked at the entrance and there stood Theo, he was carrying his bag over one shoulder.

A smile formed on my face and i walked up to him. "Theo."

He took out his phone and sent me a text.

Theo : I know you have never seen me at school and I used to be home schooled knowing you you probably already knew that. My mother has been very busy these day having to look after Tatum and I guess also Tilly. She refuses to go to school without Tatum so I decided to make my mother's life a bit easier and come back to school

I smiled at him. The whispers grew and I was able to hear some of them and they were not nice. 'What is she doing with the towns silent freak?' and 'isn't that, that weird mute boy? ' and many other.

I hoped Theo could not hear all these rude comments about him. "Theo come lets go to Kelly and Corey." I suggested and we walked to where Kelly and Corey were standing.

"There is no ways." Kelly said as she read her time table on her phone once again. "How could those teachers put me in all Corey's classes but put me in Zero with you." Corey smiled at the sound of being in all Kelly's classes.

"Atleast we still have lunch together." I stated and she shrugged. "Theo what classes do you have?" I asked him and he took out his phone and showed me.

He had a few classes with me. "Atleast you have some classes with me" I said and he nod.

"This is not fair. I am going to Miss Roosevelt to ask her to change my time table." Kelly said then she walked away towards Miss Roosevelt's office.

"Theo and I have to go collect our books from the office." Corey said and him and Theo walked away.

Many people were still looking at me but I brushed their stares of and made my way to the library to prepare for the school year before school began.

I don't mind peoples stares just because I'm Theo's friend. This is one reason I became his friend he probably feels hated for just existing.

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