Chapter:11 Eleven

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Saturday had finally arrived after a long week of school and having to sit detention with Theo. And I had kept my promise to take London and the twins to the city for their first time as well as my first time.

I knocked on the door and after a while of waiting Theo's dad opened the door. "Good day, Adalyn." He greeted me and i greeted him back.

"How rude of me, come in." He said and I walked in. "Honey, Adalyn is here." He called out to his wife and made his way to sit down in the living room then turned on his laptop.

Theo's mom walked up to me while carrying both Tilly and Tatum. When they saw me they asked their mother to put them down and ran up to hug me." Hi Adalyn. How are you?" Theo's mom asked me." I'm good and you?"I asked her.

" I have been better lately. Tatum had been more happier and she is getting worse but she does not show. "She told me." It's nice to hear you have been happy. "

London came into the living room and hugged me when she saw me." Are you guys ready to spend a day in the city? "I asked them and they nod.

" Adalyn can you come with me to the kitchen i have something to tell you?"Theo's mom asked me and i nod as i followed her into the kitchen.

" Here, in this bag there is everything Tatum needs for whatever can happen and I will ask Theo to send you a list of the time she should be taking her medicines. "She explained to me." I will make sure they are all okay. "I said.

Theo walked into the kitchen and grabbed a glass from the cupboard then poured himself a glass of water then waved to me before he turned to walk out of the kitchen.

" Theo, how about you come with us?"I asked him and he stopped walking to look at me." Yes that would be a great idea. "Theo's mom said.

Theo nod as he agreed." I think we should get going our cab will be arriving any minute now. "I said.

The girls came into the kitchen while carrying their backpacks. I picked up Tatum's emergency bag and made my way to the front door and the girls and Theo followed me.

" Goodbye my little ducklings. I hope you enjoy your day with your brother and Addy." Theo's mom said as she hugged the girls.

The cab had arrived. "Goodbye mommy and daddy." They said in unison as their dad came to where we all stood to wave them of.

I realized I had not seen Noah, Theo's little brother since the day i first came here. "May I ask where Noah is?" I asked. "He went to boarding school for sports." Theo's mom said.

"Goodbye Theo." His mother hugged him and he lightly hugged her back. He really was not a hugger.

"Let's get going." I said as i opened the door and walked out. The girls and Theo followed me out and their parents waved at them.

We all entered the cab and i carried Tatum and Theo carried Tilly because there was not enough space for all five of us.

The car began driving and being in a car is not a normal feeling for me. Riverstone is such a small town that you can walk everywhere so cars aren't really a necessity in Riverstone.

The drive to the city was four hours long that's why we had to leave early. One hour in The twins, London and Theo had fallen asleep and I stared out at the view outside the window.

I took out my phone and decided to text Kelly. She had gone to her grandparent's house for the weekend.

Adalyn : Hi kells

Kelly:Hi love.

Adalyn : I wish you could join us.

Kelly: yeah, I wish I could join. But I had to help my grandparent's.

Adalyn : I will call you later. Goodbye.

Kelly :Goodbye love.

I put away my phone and Tatum had woken up. She looked at me and I smiled at her, she smiled at me.

"How are feeling?" I asked her and she indicated she is fine by raising a thumbs up. "How many hours left?" She asked in a low voice. "two hours left." I told her. "Okay."


We arrived and got out of the cab, then the cab left. We were surrounded by tall building nothing close to Riverstone, it was beautiful.

Tatum held my hand and I held hers. Theo was carrying Tilly. "Where do you guys want to go first?" I asked them. They began looking around and London spotted something. "Let's go to the movies." She said and the twins nod.

"Okay then we will go to the movies." I said and we all walked towards the movie cinema.

When we got in we walked up to the counter to purchase our tickets. "Greetings what may I help you with?" The cashier asked me. "Girls what movie would you like to see?" I asked them and they answered with, "Frozen."

"Can I get five tickets for Frozen please?" I asked her and she gave me the tickets and i payed. We got a few snacks before going into the theater for Frozen and took our seats.

The movie began and the girls looked so interested while Theo on the other hand looked like he wanted to die as he made faces to every scene in the movie.

When the scene where Elsa freezes her sister came up Tatum and Tilly begin crying and we comforted them.

The movie ended and we left the theater.

We did many other things throughout the day and the last thing we wanted to do was see the sunset so we walked up to a hill overlooking the entire city then sat down to watch the sunset.

Tatum began coughing and I gave her water and her final medicine of the day. She took the medicine and drank water.

"You okay?" I asked and she nod.

We decided to take the train back to Riverstone because it would be quicker than a cab.


When we arrived Tatum and Tilly had fallen asleep so Theo and i had to carry them. London looked like she was about to fall asleep once we arrived to their house.

Theo opened the door and his mother came to the door once she heard it open. We walked in and i handed Tatum to her mother. "Thank you Adalyn."She thanked me.

" It's no problem. I have to get going my mother is probably waiting for me. "I said." Goodbye Theo and London. "I waved to them and they waved back to me.

I waved one last time before walking out and closing the door behind me. All my savings of two years had finished but I don't care about that i just care that those same savings made the girls happy.

His SilenceOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora