Chapter:10 Ten

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I had been watching Theo in each class and he still had not uttered a single word to any of the teachers. And when he was asked a question he would just stare at the teacher to a point where they stopped asking him questions.

I looked at him and he had headphones on and was on his phone typing something. I received a text from him.

Theo: Miss jereld is so slow, and I'm getting bored.

I giggled lowly and looked at him, he made a bored look. Miss Jerald stood in front of him and he took his eyes of me and stared at her. She began scolding him."Mr Ravens, what is this I am seeing. You are using you phone in my class and you even have your headphones on."

He continued to stare at her and she continued talking. "You have detention after school."

He got up from his seat and picked up his bag then walked out of the class,leaving Miss jereld in shock along with the rest of the class.

"Make that detention for a week! " She shouted out to him. How was Theo going to survive the rest of the years he had left in high school . I thought to myself.


The last bell of the day rang and everyone rushed out of the class. I had not seen Theo since he left Miss Jereld's English class.

I picked up my bag and walked out of the class. I walked to my locker and found Kelly waiting for me. "I have been waiting for a while now. Let's get going." She said.

"Actually, I was thinking about joining Corey and Theo in Miss Roosevelt's office for detention so they don't feel lonely." I told her and she looked at me. "Addy, what."

"If you want to join me,you are free to join."I imformed her and she looked at me. I began walking to Miss Roosevelt's office and Kelly ran after me." You are lucky i love you and i would not let you do anything stupid alone. "

We walked to Miss Roosevelt's office and knocked on her door she answered with a "Come in."

We looked at each other then walked in. Theo and Corey were sat on chairs in front of Miss Roosevelt's desk and when Kelly and i entered they looked at us with questioning looks.

"Can i help you girls?" Miss Roosevelt asked us. "Miss we have come to sit detention." I told her and she looked at us as if we were crazy. "But you two don't have detention." She said and we looked at each other before i replied with, "We want to sit detention with Theo and Corey."

"You know what I don't care who sits detention. Get in and sit down." She told us and we both took a sit next to Theo and Corey.

Thirty minutes passed and Kelly was getting bored and probably regretting following me. "This is boring." She whispered to me and Miss Roosevelt shooshed us.

"Miss, Going back to the case of Addy and I not being in the same classes. Can you please make us atleast be in one of the same class because I am slowly getting sick of not having her in any of my classes? " Kelly asked Miss Roosevelt.

"Kelly David, where are you?"Miss Roosevelt asked her and she replied with," In detention, Miss. "

" Since you are in detention you should be quiet and waiting to leave instead of asking me for something that's not going to change. "Miss Roosevelt said to her.

For the last thirty minutes of detention we all sat quietly in our seats.

Miss Roosevelt got up and told us to go home so she can leave. We all got up and walked out of her office.

" I got to go. Theo can you tell your mom that I will be back home late I have to go to the skate park?" Corey asked Theo.And Theo nod. "I also have to go to my grandparents house to collect something for my mom. I will see you tomorrow, love." She hugged me goodbye before leaving.

I looked at Theo and said, "How about I walk home with you. I promised to visit your sisters."

We walked out the school and the whole walk to his house we said nothing to each other because my phone had run out of power.

He opened the door and his little sisters ran up to hug him and when they saw me they jumped in excitement and hugged me too.

" Hi girls." I greeted them  and they greeted me back. "Addy we missed you this much." Tilly told me as she showed me how much they missed me using her arms.

"I missed you all too." I gave them a smile. "Come play with us." London said. "Even you Theo."She continued.

I looked at Theo who looked at me." Okay I will play with you guys. "I said and Theo nod.

They pulled us outside." We gonna play hopscotch again. "London said.

I began to play with the girls and Theo  watched us play. Tatum stopped playing and walked up to him she held his hand and i asked him to come down to her height then whispered something in his ear that cause him to come and play.

All five of us played and the girls looked like they were having so much fun. Theo not as much.

"Addy, whats a place you have always wanted to go?" London asked me and and I answered with, "I have always wanted to go to the city. How about you?" I asked her and before she could answer Tatum answered in a low voice that came out as a whisper but we all heard her."I also have always wanted to go to the city and i hope i can go someday before i go and never come back to earth."

I knew what I had to do. I wanted to make Tatums last few months the best few months of her entire life. "I can take you all to the city on Saturday."

Theo looked at me with a confused look and i smiled at him. "What really? "She asked me and i nod.

I had been saving for years and i think it was time i use all the money i had saved to make Tatum happy.

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