Chapter :07 Seven

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Theo's family were all asking me countless of questions about myself and Theo clearly looked like he wanted to tell everyone to stop.

I kept on looking at him from time to time and he looked more annoyed each time. "Adalyn, do you want to play hopscotch with us outside?" One of Theo's little twin sisters asked me. "That would be lovely." I said and she held my hand and began pulling me outside and London and Theo's other little twin sister followed behind.

We passed Theo and i smiled at him and he glared at me. The girls began to play and i watched them. "Adalyn come, join us." London said to me. "I don't quite remember how to play hopscotch it been years." I told them and they gasped and stared at me.

"That's okay. We can teach you." London offered. "Thank you guys. Can i ask? How can i tell you two apart?" I asked Theo's little twin sisters and then they began thinking for a while. "It's simple really. I, Tilly have a birthmark on the right of my face and Tatum has a birthmark on the left side of her face." Tilly explained and I smiled at them, "That's nice. You guys can teach me now."

They began teaching me until i knew how to play again. And I began playing and laughing with them.

"Adalyn, you want to know a secret?" Tatum asked me and I nod, then she indicated i lower myself to her height then she whispered in my ear, "You are my most favorite out of all Theo's friends. Even if you are his only friend."

I smiled at her and i whispered 'thank you' to her.

Tatum seemed the most quiet out of all her siblings, not counting Theo.

"Adalyn, thank you for being our brothers friend." London hugged me catching me by surprise and i hugged her back then the twins joined in on the hug. We stayed like that for a while before breaking the hug.

Theo walked out of the house and began walking away from the house then I realized i had not given him the gift I had gotten him.

I said goodbye to the girls and promised to visit them daily as I was about to leave Tatum stopped me, "Adalyn, i have not been happy lately, but you made me happy today."

" I don't know what caused your sadness, but from now on, now that im in your life you will be happy your entire family will be happy and your brother too. I will make sure of that." I told her and she smiled at me then they all waved me goodbye.

I ran after Theo until I caught up with him. He stopped to look at me then continued walking and I too continued walking after him.

He walked towards the forest and then he walked to the the same spot he did the night of the festival.

He stood still and turned away from me. I looked at him then took out my phone.

Adalyn : are you okay?

Theo : I'm fine. Adalyn why are you here?

Adalyn : I wanted to give you something.

He looked at me then back at his phone.

Theo: Why Adalyn why are you so nice to me even when I'm not nice to you. No one is nice to me and no one has ever wanted to be my friend even when I still spoke but you why do you want to be my friend why can't you be like everyone else and not want to be my friend.

Adalyn : Because. Well because I'm not everyone else, Theo. I believe everyone deserves a true friend in this world and i want to be your true friend.

Theo: That does not make sense Adalyn. I don't deserve a true friend and never did and never will deserve one. All I need is to be left alone like before practically be non existent.

Adalyn: Theo are you okay.

I decided to ask him again because he was not acting like Theo.

Theo: no Adalyn I'm not okay, if that's what you want to know.

Adalyn : Can you tell me what's bothering you?

Theo : I don't want to but I want to.

Adalyn : you don't have to tell me.

Theo :Tatum is terminally ill and the doctor only gave her three months left to live. When she found out she was heart broken she had many dreams for herself when she grows up but now she will never grow up.

What Tatum had said about being unhappy made sense now.

Theo: How would everyone feel after she is gone, Adalyn. How will Tilly feel after realizing she lost her twin sister, how will my parents feel and London, she will be so sad so will Noah and May.

I realized how Theo was talking. He was putting everyone elses feelings before his. He sounded so much like i did.

Adalyn : Theo it's okay, Why don't we make Tatums last three months filled with happiness and make her and everyone else forget that she only has three months because being sad about it only wastes so much time you could have spent with your sister.

He turned to face me and looked up at me and his eyes looked calm and he looked thankful and I smiled at him.

It began raining and I realized it has not rained in a while.

"Friends?" I asked him and he slightly nod after hesitating.

I took out the box from my pocket and gave it to him then said goodbye to him before walking away.


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