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After our studying session, I head back to my apartment. My brain feels like it's been put through a blender, but in a good way. I'm grateful for Sophia's help and feel more confident about the material. Time to relax and recharge for tomorrow!

The apartment feels oddly quiet tonight. The lads are all out with their girls, and Alex is working a shift at the bowling alley. so it's just me and this big empty place tonight. It's a bit lonely, but I'll make the most of it and enjoy some peace and quiet. Maybe I'll catch up on my favorite TV show or dive into a good book.

As I was watching my show and feeling bored, I decided to switch on my phone and scroll through social media. For a laugh, I searched Sophia's Instagram account and found it. Her handle was @SophiaSings Her profile was filled with beautiful selfies and videos of her playing and singing with her guitar. She had a less following and only 5 likes on each post. It was so aesthetically pleasing that I couldn't help but watch all her videos. As I was watching, my eyes started to feel sleepy, and without even realising it, my thumb pressed the follow button.

I dozed off and suddenly my alarm blared at 7am. I shot up, startled, and as I turned to look at my phone, I realized that I had followed Sophia's account. Oh no, panic set in. I hope she doesn't think I'm a stalker!

As I got ready, I quickly brushed my teeth and fixed my hair. I continued to panic about accidentally following Sophia's account. I hope she understands it was a mistake!

As I headed downstairs, I met Alex who was making breakfast for the lads as it was his turn to.,He noticed the pale look on my face and asked what was wrong. I explained the situation about accidentally following Sophia's insta account, and to my relief, he burst out laughing. He reassured me, saying, "Hey, don't beat yourself up over it! It's just a small mistake. I'll explain it to her, so don't worry." His words helped ease my worries.

I headed to class and took my seat. The professor began the lecture, and I eagerly took out my notebook to start taking notes.

On my way to my next class before practice and tutoring after, I was stopped by my ex, Ari. I have to admit, I wasn't pleased to see her. She's been trying to get back with me, but I wasn't having it. She had an angry look on her face, and then she came out with, "I hear you're being tutored by Sophia."

"Yeah, and?" I replied, trying to keep my cool. Ari's question caught me off guard. "Why her?" she demanded, her tone filled with curiosity and maybe a hint of jealousy.

"Well, she's really smart and has a great personality, unlike you," I responded, trying to be honest but not too harsh. Ari's expression changed from anger to surprise, and I could tell my words hit a nerve.

"Who even told you?" I asked, genuinely curious. Ari smirked and replied, "I have my sources." She seemed confident, as if she had insider information.

"Well, it's nothing to do with you. Now let me get to my next class," I said, trying to end the conversation. But Ari wasn't satisfied. She said, "We're not done," and walked off, leaving me feeling a mix of frustration and relief.

I don't even know what I saw in her. She actually frightens me.

I head to class and I'm on time, bang on! As the professor turns her back for a min, I quickly sneak in to sit down. Phew!

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