Hockey lads - Garrett, Brad, Luke, Logan

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As the hockey lads headed towards their ice rink going past the music department for their extra training session, an enchanting scene unfolded before them, capturing their attention and arousing their curiosity. The soft, flickering glow of candlelight illuminated the room, and the delicate melodies of a guitar danced in the air, drawing them in with an unexpected allure. Their steps faltered, and they exchanged surprised glances, collectively pausing to take in the sight that lay before them.

"Whoa, hold on a minute," Garett exclaimed, his eyes widening with astonishment. "Is that Jake over there, playing the guitar?"

His words hung in the air, punctuated by the hushed strumming of strings. The other lads nodded in agreement, their initial shock giving way to a mixture of intrigue and amazement. They had always known Jake as the skilled hockey player, a force to be reckoned with on the ice, but this newfound revelation showcased a side of him that had remained hidden until now.

A note of recognition echoed as Luke chimed in, his voice tinged with surprise. "And isn't that Sophia with him?"

A wave of realization swept through the group, as their eyes settled on the duo at the center of the room. The unspoken connection between Jake and Sophia was palpable, their chemistry resonating even from a distance.

"Wow, I had no clue," Brad admits, his gaze fixated on the mesmerizing scene playing out before them.

"Props to him for moving forward," Logan added, his nod carrying a sense of genuine approval. "He deserves to find his happiness."

As they continued to watch, a sense of respect and admiration swelled within the hockey lads. Jake's willingness to bare his emotions through music revealed a vulnerability that resonated deeply with them. The unexpected display of his talent and sentimentality gave them a glimpse into a dimension of their teammate they had never known before, pulling them into the current of emotion that filled the room.

With newfound camaraderie and an unspoken bond, the hockey lads stood in silent unity, captivated by the raw beauty of the moment. They recognized that this was a pivotal juncture for their friend—a moment of vulnerability, connection, and the dawn of a fresh chapter in his life.

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