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In class, I received a notification saying @SophiaSings follows back. I was taken aback. "Jake," my professor walks over and looks up at me with a frown. "Phone switch off now." "Yes, sir," I reply. I couldn't believe it, she followed back, in a way. I felt happy.

After class, heading towards hockey practice, I text Alex.

~ Text Message ~

Me: "You'll never guess who followed back! 😳

Alex: Hmmm, Sophia?" 😜

Me: how do u know? 👀

Alex: Haha, I have my ways of knowing! 😉 It's just a lucky guess, but it seems like Sophia following you back is a big deal!

Me: what noooo.... 😳

Alex: Oh, my bad! I just thought it seemed like a big deal because you mentioned it with excitement. It's great that you had a positive first tutoring session with Sophia. It sounds like you two have a good connection, and her talent and beauty must make it even more enjoyable to work with her. 😄

Me: shhhh you.

Me: we're becoming friends and that's all! 🙄

Alex: yeah right ;)

Me: see u at practice!

Alex: see ya mate!

As I head to the changing rooms, what Alex said did play on my mind In a way Alex was right. There's definitely something about her. She's actually pretty behind those glasses, but also friendly and talented. It's hard not to be drawn to someone like that.

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