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As I'm waiting for Sophia to arrive at my place so we can crack on with studying, I play on my phone for a bit, scrolling through Instagram. I usually don't read my notifications because it's usually girls DMing me all the time or spamming my posts with likes and comments with "marry meeee" "woaaah" "😍😍😍" "🔥" "hottie xo" cringey shit like that. But to pass the time, I decided to have a look. And there it was, a notification from Sophia. She liked one of my recent pics at the gym. I was taken aback, and I had butterflies in my tummy. Wow.

I hear a knock at the door, and it's Sophia with her backpack and guitar. I greet her and welcome her in, saying, "You're always with your guitar," to lighten up the mood. "Yep," she replies, "me and my music. Plus, I have this song to write. I've only got three lines, and I can't think of what to write. The theme for our music exam next week is love." As she puts her guitar case down, I take her jacket and she takes a seat.

I offer her a drink. "Want a drink?" I ask. She responds, "Yeah, please." I offer her a beer, but she politely declines. "I'll take water," she says. I pour a glass of water for her and grab a beer for myself. Curious, I ask, "You don't drink?" She shakes her head, her voice quiet. "Oh," I say, realising it might be a sensitive topic. "You don't have to explain." But then she starts opening up about her mother, a victim of a drunk driver, and how it triggers her. She also mentions that drugs are a trigger because he was highly influenced by alcohol and drugs. I'm taken aback by her story and respond, "OMG, I'm so sorry." I move closer and give her a comforting hug. She looks at me and says, "Thank you."

"Is that why I don't see you at gatherings?" I ask, genuinely curious. Her revelation about her triggers made me wonder if that's the reason behind her absence. As the conversation continues, I find myself surprised by the connection she has with Alex through Ella. It's astonishing how well Alex knows her, and it deepens my understanding of her life and experiences.

"Yeah, he's really cool," she says with a warm smile. "He's been a good lad in Ella's life, which she deserves." I nod in agreement, appreciating the positive influence Alex has on Ella.

Changing the topic slightly, she continues, "Anyway, I have a practice paper for you to do after. Let's do some studying on the poems." I'm intrigued by her suggestion and ready to dive into some focused studying together. "Sounds like a plan," I reply, eager to tackle the practice paper and delve into the world of poems with her.

She quizzes me on a few questions, and to my surprise, I manage to answer them correctly. Her face lights up, and she enthusiastically high-fives me. "Wow, you're getting the hang of it!" she exclaims. Her words are encouraging, and I feel a boost of confidence. "I'd say by next session, you'll be done and able to ace the makeup test on Friday," she adds with a confident smile. Her belief in my progress motivates me even more, and I'm determined to keep up the hard work for that upcoming test.

"Thank you," I respond, a genuine smile spreading across my face. Her acknowledgment and encouragement mean more to me than she may realise. It's a refreshing change from the times when I've been dismissed or reduced to my looks, athletic abilities as others have often done.

As I continue to chat and study with her, I find my thoughts drifting into deeper territory. I reflect on the times when people have focused on my appearance rather than recognizing my intelligence or abilities. Even Ari, someone who was once close to me, once made a comment that my looks played a role in our relationship. It's been a struggle to break free from that stereotype and to finally be acknowledged for my true capabilities. With Sophia's support, I feel like I'm making progress in redefining how others perceive me.

Deciding to take a break, my stomach lets out a playful growl. "Hungry?" I ask, and she nods in agreement. We quickly settle on ordering pizza from Domino's, and to my pleasant surprise, we share the same taste in toppings—margarita pizza, cola, and those irresistible Domino's cookies. It's a simple choice that brings a smile to both our faces.

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