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Meet the characters

- Jake is a dedicated and talented hockey player who possesses a strong sense of determination on and off the ice.
- He is a genuine and caring friend, always willing to lend a hand and provide support to those around him.
- He harbors deep and genuine feelings for Sophia, and his journey involves finding the courage to express his emotions.

- Sophia is a talented and passionate musician with a heart full of warmth and compassion.
- She is resilient and driven, always striving for excellence in her studies and performances.
- Sophia's kindness and empathy make her a trusted confidante and friend to those around her.
- She shares a strong bond with Jake and her friends, Ella and Alex, and her journey involves navigating the complexities of love and friendship.

- Ella is a lively and outgoing individual who brings a sense of fun and adventure to any situation.
- She is fiercely loyal and protective of her friends, especially Sophia, and is known for her vibrant personality.
- Ella's creativity and artistic flair shine through in her fashion choices and her ability to create memorable experiences.
- She plays a pivotal role in shaping the relationships and events that unfold throughout the story.
- Majors in Drama

- Alex is a charismatic and easygoing friend who adds a dose of humor and light-heartedness to the group.
- He is a supportive and caring partner to Ella, and his genuine friendship with Jake strengthens their bond.
- Alex's resourcefulness and quick thinking contribute to the solutions they come up with to navigate challenges.
- He offers wise advice and a listening ear to his friends, contributing to their personal growth.

- Ari is a character driven by jealousy and insecurities, often resorting to questionable actions to achieve her goals.
- Her emotions and actions lead to conflicts and tension within the group, adding a layer of drama to the story.
- Ari's journey involves self-discovery and growth as she grapples with her feelings and the consequences of her choices.

- Tiffany is a character who becomes entangled in the drama, serving as an informant for Ari.
- Her involvement raises questions about loyalty and trust among the group of friends.
- Tiffany's actions and motivations contribute to the challenges the characters face as they navigate their relationships.

Garrett, Logan, Brad, and Luke:
- Garrett, Logan, Brad, and Luke are members of the hockey team and friends of Jake.
- Each character brings their unique personalities and dynamics to the group, adding depth and diversity to the story.
- They support Jake through his hockey journey and offer camaraderie and friendship on and off the ice.

Professor Clarke:
- Professor Clarke is an influential figure in the characters' lives, serving as a mentor and guide.
- She provides academic support and guidance to Sophia and Jake, contributing to their growth and development.
- Professor Clarke's interactions with the characters offer insight and wisdom, shaping their paths throughout the story.
- the one who gets Jake and Sophia to bond by the tutoring sessions.

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