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I woke up groggily, squinting at the alarm clock on the bed side table. Only a few minutes left before we had to rush to class. My eyes fell on Ella and Alex, snuggled up and clearly in no hurry. With an exasperated sigh, I grabbed my pillow and threw it at them, urging them to get up before we were all late for class.

We scrambled out of bed, hastily getting washed and dressed, trying to make ourselves presentable in record time. As we stumbled into the kitchen, we managed to grab a quick bite to eat, knowing that time was not on our side.

Ella complained about her pounding headache, and Alex groaned about his achy body. Jake and I exchanged knowing glances and stifled giggles, well aware that they had indulged a bit too much the night before.

"I still need to find my songbook," I mumbled, my voice a mix of concern and frustration. My exam was just around the corner on Friday, and I couldn't afford to lose it amidst the chaotic morning rush.

Jake glanced over at me with a reassuring smile as I fretted about my missing songbook. "Don't worry, Sophia," he said in a calming tone, "we'll help you find it. We've got your back."

His words were like a soothing balm to my nerves, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for having such supportive friends. Taking a deep breath, I nodded appreciatively at Jake, feeling a renewed determination to locate my precious songbook before my upcoming exam.

As we headed to campus for our first class, the professors seemed to zero in on me like radar. Professor Han, Ella's drama instructor, stopped me in the hallway and inquired, "Have you finalized the song for the winter musical?" My mind raced, knowing I needed my songbook back to complete it.

Moments later, Professor Fisher, my music professor, caught up to me, asking with a raised eyebrow, "Are you ready for your upcoming performance?" I offered a quick nod, my mind preoccupied with the task of finding my missing book.

As if on cue, Professor Clarke, approached, a pleased smile on her face. "How about more tutoring sessions with Jake?" she asked, clearly impressed with our progress. I managed a distracted "yeah, yeah" to appease her, my thoughts consumed by the unfinished musical composition.

Once inside the Hall, I pulled out my notebook, feeling the weight of the impending deadline. I stared at the few lines I had managed to scribble down so far, my mind racing to conjure up the perfect lyrics to complete the song for the winter musical. Time was slipping away, and I knew I needed to focus and pour my creativity onto the pages before me.

Later on, During music class, as my mind wrestled with the pressure of completing the song and finding my missing book, a sudden sense of relief washed over me. My music professor, Fisher, turned around and announced, "Due to an unexpected emergency, the upcoming performances for the exam will be put on hold for the week. Class is dismissed."

A wave of gratitude swept through me as the weight of the imminent performance was lifted from my shoulders, at least temporarily. This unexpected turn of events granted me the precious time I needed to track down my book and focus on finishing the song for the winter musical. With a renewed determination, I felt a glimmer of hope that I could meet the deadline and create something truly special before Professor Fisher's return.

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