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As I step into my dorm room, Ella was asleep. a sense of contentment washes over me after a productive study session with Jake. Eager to continue my work, I reach into my bag to retrieve my books, including the cherished songbook where I keep my musical creations.

However, as my fingers search through the contents of my bag, a sudden realisation strikes me like a jolt. Panic creeps in, and my heart skips a beat. "Hold on, where's my book?" I think to myself, my mind racing to retrace my steps and figure out where I might have left it. The room suddenly feels smaller, and a wave of concern washes over me as I contemplate the possibility of misplacing something so dear to me.

"No, no, this can't be happening," I murmur in a mixture of disbelief and distress. My hands tremble slightly as I continue to search my bag, hoping against hope that I'll somehow find my precious songbook nestled among my textbooks.

My heart sinks as I realize the gravity of the situation. "It has my song for my exam," I whisper, my voice tinged with worry. The thought of losing the song I've worked so hard on, the one that holds a special place in my heart and is crucial for my upcoming exam, fills me with a sense of dread.

And then, another realization hits me like a heavy weight. "My mum's songs," I breathe, feeling a lump form in my throat. The songbook isn't just a collection of my own creations; it also holds the musical memories of my mother, a piece of her that I hold dear. The idea of losing those precious melodies is almost unbearable, and a sense of urgency drives me to continue my frantic search, determined to find the missing songbook.

Tears stream down my face as I clutch my pillows tightly, the weight of the situation bearing down on me. The room is shrouded in darkness, and the silence is punctuated only by my stifled sobs. I keep hoping that I'll wake up from this nightmare, that I'll realize it was all just a bad dream, but the painful truth remains.

Hours pass, and I continue to sob into my pillows, my thoughts consumed by the loss of my precious songbook. The weight of disappointment, frustration, and sadness presses heavily on my chest. It's as if a piece of my heart has been taken away, leaving an emptiness that's difficult to bear.

As the first light of morning begins to seep through my window, I finally sit up, wiping away the remnants of my tears. The reality of the situation settles in, and I know that I must face the day ahead, even though a part of me still longs for this to be nothing more than a terrible dream.

Ella's soft voice pulls me from the depths of my sorrow, and I look up to see her sitting at the end of my bed, concern etched across her face. "What's up, babe? I've heard you sniffling all night," she says, her voice full of care.

Taking a shaky breath, I wipe away my tears and manage to explain to her about the missing songbook – how it holds my carefully crafted songs for the exam and the precious melodies of my mother's creations. As I pour out my heart, Ella's expression grows more empathetic, and she moves closer, enveloping me in a warm embrace.

With her arms around me, Ella speaks gently, her words a soothing balm to my wounded heart. "I'll help you look for it," she assures me, determination evident in her voice. "I'll check every place, even if it takes me days and weeks. We'll search until it's back in your hands."

Her unwavering support and promise to assist me in finding the missing songbook bring a glimmer of hope to my heart. I hold onto her tightly, feeling grateful for her presence and her willingness to stand by me during this challenging time.

The weight of anxiety hung over me as I reluctantly made my way to classes. Each step felt heavy, and my mind couldn't shake the sense of dread that had settled in. I struggled to focus on anything other than the loss of my precious songbook – a repository of my musical creations, memories, and aspirations.

The significance of that songbook was immeasurable. It held not only my original compositions but also my mother's cherished melodies, pieces for the upcoming musical, and the song I was in the process of writing for my exam. That last song was particularly crucial, as I had more to add before performing it for the evaluation.

As I walked through the corridors, lost in my thoughts, my music professor approached me with a smile. "Looking forward to your piece," he remarked, his eyes filled with genuine anticipation. "How far left are you on it?" he inquired. I offered a polite smile and replied, "Oh, you know, it's nearly done."

Passing by Professor Clarke's class, she stopped me with a brief greeting. "How's the tutoring going?" she asked, her tone friendly. I responded with a simple "all good," and she seemed satisfied. However, beneath my attempt at normalcy, I couldn't help but feel a sense of detachment – as if my worries were invisible, unnoticed by those around me.

In my desperate search for my missing songbook, my mind began to grasp at any possibility. At first, I entertained the thought that I might have left it at Jake's house. Approaching him with a mix of hope and trepidation, I asked, "Hey, Jake, have you seen my songbook? I can't seem to find it." His response was genuine, yet disappointing. "I haven't seen it," he said, his brows furrowing in concern.

Jake's willingness to help was evident as he added, "I'll have a look around for you, though. Maybe it got mixed up somewhere." Grateful for his offer, I nodded and managed a small smile. "Thank you, Jake. I really appreciate it." Though the trail didn't lead to my songbook, his support and willingness to assist in my search gave me a glimmer of hope that it would eventually find its way back to me.

Feeling increasingly desperate to locate my missing songbook, I decided to reach out to Alex too for help. Fingers typing quickly, I composed a text message: "Hey Alex, could you do me a favor? Can you check if I might have left my songbook at the library? I'm really hoping it's there."

His prompt response provided a reassuring sense of support. "Sure thing, I'll head over and check for you," he replied. A surge of gratitude washed over me as I read his words. "Thank you so much, Alex. I really appreciate your help," I texted back, my heart warmed by his willingness to assist in my search. The glimmer of hope began to grow stronger, knowing that I had friends who cared and were determined to help me find what was so dear to me.

After my classes ended, I glanced at the time and realised it was the last tutoring session with Jake before his upcoming exam Tomorrow morning. Determination filled me as I gathered my materials and headed over to our study spot. We delved into the work, reviewing his past paper and finding him performing remarkably well. We continued with more revision, using flashcards to reinforce key points and discussing the meanings behind various poems.

As we wrapped up our session, Jake's gratitude was evident. He suggested treating me to a milkshake at the diner, a gesture I genuinely appreciated. We sat together, enjoying our meal and milkshakes, yet my lingering worries were hard to shake off.

Jake noticed my subdued demeanor and offered reassurance. "I'm still looking for your book, don't worry," he said, his hand reaching out to give mine a comforting squeeze. His gesture warmed my heart, and his next move caught me by surprise. He stood up and enveloped me in a tight hug, offering a moment of solace as I inhaled the comforting scent of his cologne and freshly washed hair.

Later, he drove me back to my dorm, his concern evident in his offer to stay with me. I declined, assuring him that I'd be alright and encouraging him to get a good night's sleep before his exam. We exchanged well wishes and said our goodbyes before parting ways, him to his apartment and me to my dorm.

As I entered my room, I couldn't help but feel a sense of appreciation for Jake's support during a challenging time. I knew I could count on his friendship and determination to help me find my lost songbook. With a sigh, I resolved to focus on my studies and send him a message first thing in the morning to wish him good luck on his upcoming exam.

~ Text Message ~
Me: Hey Jake, just wanted to send you some good vibes before your exam tomorrow. You've got this! 💪🍀

Jake: Thanks a bunch! You've been a godsend. 💙🙌

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