Chapter 2 - Now what?

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Stepping out of the apartment to explore the city looks like it's going to be tougher than I thought.

I barely managed to get myself out of an awful situation that could've lead me to my death right away. If it wasn't for that purple lizard-like creature attacking the snake-like one, I don't know what would've happened to me.
Those species are way different looking compared to the ones I have seen on the day the apocalypse happened. They are smaller in comparison as well. But, from the looks of it, they are just as threatening.

When I escaped from the scene, I decided to stay inside the cafe for some time. The large-horned mammal creature was also in there with me, minding its own business and helping itself out to the glowing plants growing inside the building.

What happened earlier was horrific, but I have to continue onward. It's going to be dangerous, so I'll have to exercise a lot more caution the next time I step out.

While I was taking a moment to take a breather, I grabbed one of the non-expired snacks I grabbed from the convenience store. It was a bag of barbecue flavored potato chips.
They still looked good, and they tasted alright.

Unexpectedly, the large-horned mammal walks up to me. It looked me right in the eyes and started sniffing.
Does it smell the chips I am eating?

I smile softly to the creature.
"Do you want some too?" I asked it.

The creature taps one of its feet on the ground twice.

I pull out a chip from the bag and I lay it on the ground in front of the creature.
It walks to the chip, sniffs it, then begins eating it.

I wasn't sure if it would be safe for this creature to consume snacks like these, but it sure seemed to be enjoying it.
After it finished chewing, it looks back at me and taps it's foot again.

"You want more, huh? Sure."

I grab a few more chips and lay it on the ground.
The creature didn't take a moment to sniff and immediately began eating.
I suddenly got the urge to pet it.

I reach out my hand to touch its head.
The creature jolts up slightly in response to me touching it.

"Don't worry. I'm not going to hurt you." I said to it.

I reach to touch its head again. This time, it let me.
I rub the creature for a few seconds. Its eyes closed the entire time.

I think I now have myself a little friend.

After I pull away, the creature was now throwing its tail in circles.

As much as I'd like to stay and spend time with it a little longer, I do want to continue exploring again. I have to find out if there is anything that can help me get out of here somehow. It's too dangerous for me to stay on this planet any longer.

I stand up.

"Well. It's been nice knowing you, little one." I say to it. "But, I have to get back out there to find someone who can help me."

The creature let out a strong exhale from its nostrils.
It then runs up to the door, stands in front of it, then turns back, facing me.

"What? Do you want to go with me?" I ask it.

The creature let's out another exhale from its nostrils in response.
It then jumps onto a nearby seating booth by the windows. It then taps its horn against the glass.

Looking at where the creature was tapping its horn, through the window I saw one of the monstrosities that I have witnessed eating people alive on that very day that it all started.
It was a dark creature, with a human-like body structure, but all rough and disfigured.
It had bright orange eyes, a large mouth with several rows of teeth, and has an odd head structure that is hard to describe.
The best I could say is that the top of its head looks like it was wearing a white blanket over it's face and reaches over its back like hair, nearly touching the ground. Definitely one of the more odd looking creatures I have seen, and it definitely gave me the creeps.

And it just so happened that one of those things are outside right now. Walking slowly with its head down.

I look back at the large-horned creature.

"I see. You were trying to warn me about the threat outside."

The horned creature then walks over to a corner of the cafe, away from the windows. It turns back to face me, tapping its front foot on that corner.
Then, it lays down.

"You want me to go there, yes?" I asked.

The creatures repeats its movements. Tapping its foot, and then laying back down.

"Okay. I think I get what you're trying to tell me."

I walk over to the corner, laying myself down criss-cross against the wall.
The horned creature stares at me for a few seconds before it locked it's eyes onto the windows of the cafe.

Soon after, I could hear loud footsteps from outside slowly getting closer. Then, the sound of footsteps were now coming from outside the window, followed by soft, horrifying growling noises.
The sounds of those growls were enough to get my entire body trembling.

The horned creature scooted closer to me. Probably to further hide itself from view through the windows.

After about a minute of constant growling, and me trying my best not to make any noise, I could then hear the sound of footsteps getting further and further away. The growling disappearing along with it.

The horned creature gets up shortly after, running up a bench to look out through the window.
It then turns to face me, letting out another exhale through its nostrils.

"It's gone?" I asked.

The creature taps its foot again.

I was surprised just how intelligent this mammal-like creature was.
Somehow, the creature can understand what I'm saying, and finds a way to communicate with me.
It even stopped me from leaving and told me to hide away from the windows to avoid being seen by that creature it was warning me about.

If I had stepped out there without realizing that 'thing' was wandering around, I can only imagine what would've happened after.

"Thank you. You really saved my tail there, little one." I said with a smile.

The creature's tail swings in circles.

"So...what am I supposed to do now?" I then asked it. "Surely now isn't the best time to walk outside with those things walking about."

The creatures makes the sound of exhaling again.
It then walks into a room around the back of the cafe. It was a small storage room for the ingredients to make coffee and other types of specialty drinks. The creature then taps its horn on the ground.

I walked into the room in the back.

"I should stay in here for the evening, huh?"

The creature sits down.

"I'll take that as a 'yes' then."

The skies have started to get darker and darker out there. So it would be best that I stay in here and rest until the sun rises again. When it does, I'll continue searching around the city.

My little mammal friend here was already closing its eyes.

I shut the door to the back room, leaving it slightly cracked.
I lay my bag on one of the shelves in the room.

I then grab one of the large sack of coffee beans in there and drag it to a corner in the small storage room. It may not be the most comfortable pillow, but it'll have to do.

I never thought I'd be sleeping beside one of these otherworldly creatures, but this one seems to have taken a liking to me.
It's gotten comfy enough to start sleeping right away.

I suppose I wouldn't mind the company. It's better than sleeping alone in my apartment room.

Well. I should try and get some rest.

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