Chapter 5 - To Vagos

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I finally got myself and Aldo outside of Phouburg safely.

I have grabbed everything I can so I can prepare myself to head into the major city of Vagos.
I just hope and pray that my trip there will not be in vain.

I have Aldo to keep me some company too. He's a lot smarter than I thought. He seems to know a lot about the monsters lurking around. Do all of these species happen to know what those things are capable of?

Regardless, I'm happy to know that I can trust Aldo's knowledge and guidance.
Speaking of Aldo, he's just sitting on the front passenger seat, tapping his feet. He seems to be enjoying himself on this car ride.

"Doing good, little buddy?" I asked him.

Aldo taps his right foot.

"Sweet. We'll be at Vagos soon. Relax while you can."

He then lays himself down on the passenger seat.

I was growing a little nervous the closer we got to the city, but I'm not going to back out now after getting this far.

The city is probably going to look like a total disaster after it had received the impact from the glowing meteor.
I remember visiting Vagos a few times before by myself or with a few friends of mine.
It was a very nice place to go on vacation.
I would go there occasionally to go to the beach, amusement parks, museums, and even other special events that you wouldn't find in most places.

It's always been expensive, so it was a place I would only go to every once in a while after saving up a couple of weekly paychecks.
Those were good times.

After some time into our little road trip, I could hear some kind of thumping noise coming from behind.
I thought nothing of it, thinking maybe it was just the road.

But the thumping continued. And it went on, and on, and on.

I figured it was about time I go see what the deal is.
It sounds like it's coming from the trunk.

Aldo looks at me, exhaling.

"Has that noise been bothering you too?" I asked him.

He taps his right foot twice.

"I'm going to stop real quick and check it out." I tell him.

I start breaking to slow the vehicle down and switch it to 'Park' once it has completely stopped.
I then open the car door to step out. Aldo hops over to the drivers seat then out of the car.

The thumping did not stop.
I thought it might've been an object bouncing around back there, but that wasn't the case.
Is there..something inside of the trunk?

This was starting to get very odd.

I approach the trunk, and I pull the handle to lift it open.

Something unexpectedly flies out almost instantaneously. It caught me completely off guard and I fell backwards as a result.

Looking at what flew out, it was one of those wispy jellyfish-like creatures that I saw plenty of back at Phouburg. The exact kind that I saw flying all around that gigantic glowing blue tree.

It looks at me and starts making some strange noises.

I bring my rifle out and I point it to the wispy like creature.

"Stay back!" I yelled.

"Oh! You speak a human language!" The creature replied with actual words.
It sounded so much like a human talking with a masculine tone.

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