Chapter 11 - Almost There

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        After becoming acquainted with the Spawner, I sat down inside of the cave-like creation that was made from the glowing branches the Spawner can summon.

I chatted with both Rulo and Aldo for a good while. Rulo was clearly enjoying the conversation and listening in to all the information I'm giving him about humans, life on my planet, and about certain interests and hobbies that we humans like to do.
Aldo seemed to be very interested as well, but Rulo was beaming in astonishment.

"I think I understand the whole idea of playing an 'instrument' and why it can be appealing." Rulo nodded. "And you mentioned you used to play one called the 'guitar', correct?"

"Yes!" I reply. "Although I wasn't very great at it, I did learn a little bit from my father. His guitar playing was amazing."

"I may have to find one for you so Aldo and I can hear you play it." Rulo says.

I giggled. "I appreciate the offer, but you don't have to do that for me."

Aldo exhales.

"He says that he would've loved to hear you play a guitar." Rulo translated. "And I agree."

"Alright." I say. "Maybe if we happen to stumble upon one while we head out, I'll play one for you two whenever we're in a safe spot to do so."

"Splendid!" Rulo says in a joyful tone.

"No promises though. Right now, getting into the city is our priority."

Aldo exhales.

"Yes. I understand." Rulo nods.

"Now, there was—" I paused mid-sentence.

Just as I was about to continue on to explain other hobbies to them, the Spawner steps into the branch cave by creating an opening and closing it off once she has entered.

"I have returned." The Spawner said. "The Grand Sleeper will soon make his way towards the location of the crash landing."

"Oh. Shall we get ourselves going then?"

"We shall make our way there as soon The Grand Sleeper gets a move on." The Spawner replied. "We will follow him from a distance. We wouldn't want to be near him while he deals with the Vurnai."

"Wait. He won't cause a huge wreck in the city will he?" I asked. "If there is a shuttle we can find that can help me leave the planet safely in there somewhere, I wouldn't want that to be lost or destroyed."

"Your concern is noted, Faith. I will let The Grand Sleeper know to deal with the Vurnai while avoiding destruction of anything within the area as much as possible."
The Spawner then kneels and places her hand on the ground.
"The Grand Sleeper may be heading there momentarily. I shall tell him from a distance."

I lean close to Rulo. " is she going to do that exactly?" I whispered.

"Do you see what she is doing currently?" Rulo asked.

"Yes. She is growing a blue branch into the ground." I said.

"The Spawner can speak through the plants that she grows too. With that branch, she is extending it all the way towards the location of The Grand Sleeper to let him know of what you said." Rulo explains.

"She can really do that?!"

"The Spawner can do quite a lot of things using her plants. Perhaps she can also do things that even I am still unaware of." Rulo adds.

"So..she can speak through her plants. Does that also mean she can hear through it and listened to everything we were talking about as well?" I asked. "We are in a tunnel molded by her branches after all."

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