Chapter 10 - Clearings Things Up

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I found myself waking up underneath the cave-like tunnel we have passed through earlier to meet the Spawner.

I'm not exactly sure how long I've been out for. I only remember feeling very lightheaded right before I was about to be stomped on by that giant creature.
Not to mention, the Spawner happened to stop the creature before it could finish the job.

I remember her saying that she would allow me to speak, but I did not have the chance to.

I sit myself up from the ground, rubbing my eyes.

"Oh! Faith has awakened!" I hear Rulo say from somewhere behind me.

I turn my head around to look. And there was Rulo and Aldo making their way towards me.

Aldo exhales and rubs his head on my arm.

"You have rested quite a while there. I was unsure if you'd ever wake up." Rulo adds.

"Rulo! Aldo! I'm happy to see you both are okay." I tell them with a smile.

"I managed to convince the Spawner to not leave things the way that she did." Rulo says.

"Is that why she came to save us?" I ask.

"Precisely." Rulo nods. "I have let her know that you have rescued me from that dark space on that moving white box you call the 'car'. And not only have you not tried to hurt me, but I told her that you have offered me your protection."

"I see." I mumbled. "Well. I'm glad you were able to convince her to reconsider. Thank you once again, Rulo."

"Don't mention it." Rulo responds. "While telling her these things, she was able to see why Aldo is so attached to you as well. So she is now willing to have you speak with her."

"Where is she now?" I asked him.

Before Rulo could reply, I notice some of the glowing blue branches used to create the tunnel shrink into the ground, creating an opening.
The Spawner then appears, entering through.
After she walks in, the branches that shrunk into the ground rise back up to cover the opening.

"I see you have risen from your slumber, human." The Spawner says.

"Greetings, Spawner." I say to her as formally as I could. "I was hoping to have a chance to speak with you."

"Yes." The Spawner nodded. "Your actions have been brought to my attention by my child, Rulo. I must say, human, you bewilder me."

"You may call me, Faith." I tell her. "That is the name I was given by my parents."

"Faith." The Spawner mumbles. "I will remember that."

The Spawner then kneels down to level our eye contact. "So tell me, Faith. Why have you offered to protect creatures from my planet, when other humans like yourself were doing the opposite?"

Having the Spawner not take her eye off me and witnessing what she is capable of made me feel a little intimidated by her presence. I paused to think about what I was going to say so I don't end up spewing nonsense from my mouth.

After a moment, I decide to tell her the truth.

"I won't lie. Since the day that meteor crash landed on this planet, all these creatures started roaming around,  attacking humans and creatures of my own planet." I say to her. "I know now that most of the damage that was done to my planet was caused by species from the planet that collided with yours. The ones from Bophus."

The Spawner nods.
"Go on." She says.

It's good to know that she is listening. So I proceeded.

"However, I did not know about this originally. I figured every species that crash landed were from the same planet. So I was scared at first." I say.
"But I realized how friendly some of them were, like Rulo and Aldo. They have also told me that not every creature here are from your planet, Eloth. So, learning all this, I have learned to trust and befriend these two."

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