Chapter 6 - Arriving to the Destination

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I continued to drive to the city of Vagos. Aldo and I now have another member in our little group.
A little creature, which I know now are called Whisps, that goes by the name 'Rulo'.

I never could have imagined that these creatures coming from an entirely different planet could ever understand or replicate the human tongue. That has been quite an interesting discovery.
Although I may not understand what goes in the mind of Whisps, nor do they know what goes on in my head, it actually feels somewhat relieving that there is life that I can have a conversation with.

Rulo wants to search for this 'Spawner', which I have learned happens to be the mother of these Whisps. When he does, he'll be able to hear from her about whatever purpose he was supposed to serve in the life that was brought to him.
Then again, he doesn't even know too much about the Spawner. Nor does he know about what other Whisps do when given a purpose. It's entirely possible that the Spawner is not friendly either.

Though, it is too early to make that assumption. I'll just have to wait and see for myself if we do happen to spot her.

But anyway. Although the trip has been mostly quiet, Rulo and Aldo seemed pretty relaxed.
Eventually, however, Rulo decides to break the silence.

"So. Faith." He says. "I noticed you've been making some kind of mumbled noise. You release sound when you open your mouth to talk, but that time, you had your mouth closed. And yet, I could hear the noise coming from you still."

"Are you talking about my humming?" I asked.

"So that's what you call it." Rulo replied. "How would you describe humming?"

"'s just something we humans do to make music using our voices." I explained the best I could to him. "It's normally done in response to hearing music that we thought sounded pleasant. For example, I used to hear all kinds of music. There was a song that I would listen to all the time. And, because I loved it, I like to hum to myself thinking about it."

"Interesting." Rulo said curiously. "I know the definition of music, however, I never really got to hear what music is."

"I would love to show you, but the car radio will no longer work. Even my phone battery is entirely drained." I tell him. "So, unfortunately, that is out of the question for now."

"Unfortunate indeed. I would certainly like to hear this 'music' some day." Rulo said.

"I'll try to find a way to present it to you." I reply. "But as of now, technically, the only kind of music you have heard was my humming."

Aldo looks at me and exhales.

"Oh? What are you saying this time?"

"Aldo says he wants to hear you hum some more." Rulo answered.

"Really?" I look back to Aldo. "Did you enjoy listening?"

Aldo taps his right foot.

"I must say." Rulo adds. "Even though I do not entirely understand why humans do that thing you call 'humming', it has been quite pleasant to listen to."

Two otherworldly creatures telling me that they like the sound of my humming. I couldn't help but giggle.

"Alright. Alright. I'll get back to it."

I continued to hum the tune of one of my favorite songs.

Soon enough, we arrived past a large sign saying 'Welcome to Vagos'.
Further up ahead laid a shocking sight.

Not only has most of the city been completely demolished, but there was also large chunks of the bright glowing meteor scattered all around the place.
It looked like a total disaster.

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