Chapter 8 - Pressing Onward

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      After receiving some helpful information from that creature known as the Micharchs, we finally leave the pharmacy that Aldo, Rulo and I stayed in overnight.

Exiting the pharmacy, the familiar sight of a destroyed city fills my vision. The skies are still as gray as ever. There was barely any sunlight shining between the endless waves of clouds.

I look at my car and wondered if it would be a good idea to take it any further.
I ultimately came to the conclusion that it wouldn't be.
Not only is the car running off of fumes at this point, but driving it around in a city full of monstrosities that can undoubtedly tear it to shreds?
That's asking to be killed.

I take a deep breath before I began walking the direction heading forward into the city, leaving my car behind.

Rulo and Aldo follow.

"So the Spawner is somewhere within this city." Rulo said. "Based on what the Micharch told me, we should be able to spot her somewhere heading north-west from here."

"Well. Let's get to finding her." I reply. "Keep your guards up."

The three of us begin walking north-west. I brought out my silenced pistol to be armed and ready to open fire in case anything jumps out at us.

We continue walking around in what was left of the city, until we ran into some more creatures wandering about in the direction we were heading. We hid behind an abandoned vehicle that was nearby.

Looking around, there were more of the frog looking creatures, the snake like ones, and even a few other ones I have never encountered before. However, all the creatures in the area except for one have left the scene.

Aldo was shaking as he let out an exhale.

"What's wrong Aldo?" I asked quietly.

"He is warning you of the Hunter over there." Rulo whispered.


"The dark, horned monster feasting on that Uha." Rulo adds.

I looked at the only creature in sight that matched the description Rulo gave me. It was a dark, humanoid monster with a horn of some sort that reaches over the back of its head.
It's got three pairs of glowing red eyes, a large mouth with several razor sharp teeth, a sharp tail and long fingers.

I don't know what this thing is capable of, but looking at the monstrosity alone is spine chilling.

"Should we try to go around it quietly?" I asked.

Aldo exhales again.

"I agree, Aldo." Rulo said. "That would be too risky."

Rulo looks at me. "Hunters usually have great hearing. Although they can get a bit distracted when eating. They can still pick up subtle noises in their surroundings. So I would recommend that we avoid getting anywhere close to them in general."

"Looks like we'll have to detour then." I reply.
"Let's try and move away slowly."

Despite trying to make as little noise as possible, my foot slid on some pebbles on the ground.
I froze in place as I heard the Hunter behind me growling.

I did not dare move a single inch of my body.
But things did not stop there.

I could hear my heart race as the sound of the creature slowly stomping its way towards us got closer and closer.
I felt so paralyzed at the moment that I couldn't even think properly. I was too afraid to make any moves.

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