Chapter 3 - Another Day

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        After setting down my belongings, I took a nice, long rest inside of the local cafe building.

I actually woke up the next morning feeling quite refreshed. I haven't slept that well in weeks.
Maybe it's because I didn't quite feel lonely that night, having the little horned creature there to accompany me.

Speaking of which, when I woke up, the creature was not in the storage room with me.
I wonder where it went.

After I take a moment to do some stretches, I grab my bag, swing it onto my arm, then I walk out of the small storage room.
Once I walked out, I noticed the horned creature sitting on top of a seating booth.

It noticed me as I stepped out. It then stood up and swings its tail in circles.

"Ah! There you are, little one!"
I walk up to it and rub its head. "Good morning."

I notice the creature was sitting in front of something.
It was a pile with bags of barbecue flavored potato chips.

Did this creature really go out scouting for more of those? I found that quite silly, but it goes to show how much the little one enjoyed them.

"My. Look at all that prey behind you." I said jokingly.

The creature turns around, lays it's larger horn into the pile and sweeps some of the bags of chips over to me.
It then looks at it, continuing to swing its tail.

"Oh! You're sharing some of that with me?" I asked.

The creature sweeps the bags of chips a bit closer to me using its horn.

"How thoughtful." I replied. "Thank you."

I grab the bags of chips and put them into my bag. How could I refuse a gift from my new little friend?

I look outside and see that the sun is shining bright outside today.
Nothing much in sight out there besides that large glowing blue tree and all the wispy like creatures floating all around it.

I look to the horned creature.
"Hey. I know it's risky, but I really have to be heading out and find any way to get out of this planet." I said to it. "Most of my kind have already left the planet after those monstrosities came and attacked us. With how things have turned out, I can no longer stay here."

It replies with an exhale, dropping its tail.

"It may be a dangerous journey, but I must go on it." I added.

The horned creature hops off the table and walks toward the door. It then turns it's head to face me.

"What are you trying to tell me now?" I asked.

It walks to stand in front me, staring me right in the eyes.

"Do you...want to go with me?"

The creature swings its tail in circles and taps its front right foot once and then the same with its front left foot.

"Brave one, aren't you?" I giggled. "Fine. If you really want to go with me, how could I say no?"

The creature then hops on the table, dragging the rest of the pile of chip bags over towards me.

"I'll keep these stored in here for you." I take the bags of chips and shove them into my bag. "Let's be careful out there. Alright?"

The creature exhales. It then hops off the table and walks toward the entrance.

"Actually. Before we go. I need something to call you." I tell it. "You wouldn't mind me giving you a name, would you?"

The horned creature hops, swinging its tail around.

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