Chapter 13

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I woke up with a headache luckily I always keep water on my side drawer so I quickly took some meds to make it subside

I went to the bathroom and washed my face then headed downstairs I saw everyone there including that Italian man

"Hey guys how are you" I said laying down on ammi's lap

"Fine zinatu" sofi answered

"Why were you so angry earlier" fatima zahra asked with a pout

"Aww my baby I'm sorry someone decided to ruin my mood" I replied copying expression

"Okay, we are leaving in 5 days time" fatima said

"Oh am gonna miss you so much zahra" I said giving her a hug

"I'll miss you more sis z"

"So what do you wanna do before you go?"

"Ummm can we go shopping?" Zahra asked with pleading eyes

"Yeah shopping I'm in" aira chirped in

"Nooo only zahra and I shopping" I said making zahra nod in agreement

"Am also leaving" aira pouted she looked so cute

"Yeah yeah and I won't miss you" I said poking my tongue out

"Yeah you will"

"No I won't"


"Oh how I wish you would stay till next week" I said with a smirk

"Why do you suddenly want me to stay?" She asked raising her brows

"Well that handsome specimen is coming over" I said making her eyes widened while my smirk widened and my eyes sparkled with mischief

"Really?" She asked

"Yes" I smirked

"What are you guys talking about" rahma asked

"Oh she called ya zafeer a handsome specimen in front of mom,Nabil and ya zafeer" I replied making the girls girls chuckle while aira hid her face with a pillow

"I thought she was watching a reel on Instagram" aira said with a flushed face pouting

"Uh-huh" rahma replied laughed

"So wait ya nabil and ya zafeer are coming over"  sofi asked

"Yes" I replied excitedly

"Omgeeee I can't wait" she said doing a mini dance

"I know right" rahma said all hyped up

"He is so taking for shopping!" Rahma excitedly shouted

"Of course he is! Am going to buy the things that I know am not gonna use" sofi said

"Same gonna buy useless things I swear to god" I said bursting in laughter with the girls

"Bro Iman can't we stay a day longer please" aira said to her brother making puppy eyes

"Aww someone wants to me her hero" rahma teased and we giggled

"No its nor like that" rahma denied

"Then what is it" sofi asked wiggling her brows

"Urgh forget bro Iman please answer my request"

"No sis I told you I have work" he replied wlhie aira rolled her eyes

"All work without play makes jack a dull boy" I muttered and everyone heard

Hamza chuckled

"Oh well I have things to do guys bye" I waved them off and went to kitchen to make myself brownies

"Done" I beamed picking one of the browny and taking a bite I sighed in delight relishing the flavor

"Ohh guys zinu made brownies" Hamza shouted




And before you could even say jack Robinson they entered the kitchen running

Yes they literally ran to the kitchen cause they know zinatu's brownies are to die for!!!

"Guys why are you running" aira questioned when she entered the kitchen like a normal person with ayman

"Cause zinatu made brownies" hamza enthusiastically taking another big bite at the browny in his hand

"Her brownies are to die for" rahma said sighing in delight

"Zinah please add for me" sofi said pouting

"No" I said firmly

"Please zinatu add for us" hamza begged pouting also  I must admit he looked cute

"You only gave us of one fa" rahma said

"Yeah and I made it for myself not for you guys to eat to your fill" I said glaring at them

"Here" I gave aira two with a smile

"Thank you" she replied taking a bite and closings her eyes to relinquish the taste

"Here" I gave ayman one

"Thanks"he replied taking a bite as well

" umm this is good" ayman said

"I know right wow maa shaa Allah now I see the reason why all of you ran here" aira said chuckling

While ayman nods hamza,sofi and rahma glared at her

"Why are you guys glaring at her" I asked
"You gave her two how is that fair please" rahma said and the rest nodded their heads in agreement

"Yes cause she's my favorite" I said hugging aira

"Whatever" they muttered leaving the kitchen

"Zinat" the Italian man named ayman called

"What is it ayman" I replied my mood already ruined

"About yesterday" he stated

"What about yesterday" I said rolling my eyes as I started clearing the mess I made in the kitchen

"At least can we get to know each other"

"No we can't" I replied

"Please just give me a chance let's start off as friends"

"Ummmm why?" I asked

"Cause I like you" he said rubbing his temples

"Why" I asked again looking at him

"Because your lovable" he said chuckling

"Cute,smart,a good muslim" he added

"Uh-huh okey" I added with a shrug

Of course am not going to date him am just gonna play around I'm really curious to know how sultan felt when he was playing us

"Really thank you thank you so much" he grinned

"Your welcome" I said going back to washing the dishes

"I can't let my queen do the dishes" ayman said taking the dishes from her and started washing them

"Well thanks" I simply thanked and went to my room with milk and the remaining brownies

"Ahhh peace at last" I mumbled

"Are you really going to date him"

My subconscious asked

"Yeah of course what's the worst thing that can happen" I answered

I know it might seem weird but I do talk to myselft sometimes

Anyways I have to check if I have enough money to go shopping with zahra I want to bring ilham as well but nahhh we will go with ya zafeer and Nabil

And turns out I have 3.6 millon I grinned looking at the money


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