Chapter 14

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"Hey zinat I can't seem to find you on Instagram or any social media platform" aira stated rising a brow

"Cause am not in any" I shrugged

"Whyyy" she asked

Well cause my boyfriend played me and my best friend of 17 freaking years!!! We were best friends since we were 2 and she started a rumor saying am a gold digger and a slut and I always seduce all her boyfriends which isn't true cause I didn't seduce them they just fell for me and I don't like it when that happens, it makes me feels bad that's why I don't like meeting her new boyfriends cause they always end up liking me! I once heard a girl gossiping saying that all the guys that are dating her is just so they could get close to me, so its not like am putting a gun a on their head and say
'If you don't love me I will kill you'

So rumor spread and everyone started calling me a bad friend, back stabber, slut and many awful names. That's why I relocated to Dubai and deleted all my social media accounts except WhatsApp

I mentally answered

"Just " I answered with another shrug

"Oh come on you acting as if you are a 78 year old grandma" aira said rolling her eyes

"I think its okay if you open an account zinatu since we are in Dubai after all" sofi commented with an encouraging smile
"Sofi is right" rahma backed up mirroring sofi's smile

"I don't know you guys" I said slumping into my chair

"Oh come on stop being a big baby what are you scared of" aira asked

"The zinatu I know brings fun vibes and certainly wouldn't be afraid of opening an Instagram account as in this is the same zinatu that 'accidentally' removed a cops hat and wore it taking a selfie with the cop without batting an eyelash" aira added making us chuckle

"Yeah that was crazy I must admit" I said chuckling

"Wallahi I was so scared that he will arrest us" rahma said chuckling as well

"Same here" sofi backed

"Okay let's do this" I said bringing out my phone

"But am not putting my name" I warned

"Okay" the three said in unison

"Done" I said after some minutes

"Okey what's your handle" aira inquired bringing out her phone

"Its baddie__z its honestly the name I could come up with in such a short amount of time, I'll change it later on when I have another one" I told them shrugging

"Oh okay lemme go and follow you"rahma said




"Seen and I've followed you guys back'' I said

"Won't you post a pic of your self" aira asked

"Nahh I will just be adding highlights" I shrugged

"Okey why don't we go out" sofi said

"Yeah you are right am bored" I exclaimed

"Okay let's get ready" rahma said enthusiastically

I got dress in a white long sleeves then wore a blue jean jacket with blue mommy jeans, white Nike sneakers and wrapped my veil around my head securing it with pins

For make-up I just went with lip gloss and kohl

I then spray some perfumes, got my black Dior shades and they my Dior bag

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