Chapter 28

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~don't be sad Allah is with you...🥀
Author's POV

The man who was driving the car was scared for his life cause of how fast they were driving, it will take them about 30 minutes to get to the hospital but they got there in just 11 minutes!

Mahmoud hurriedly picked up Zina's lifeless looking body and entered the hospital

He immediately started yelling Adnan's name

"Adnan! Adnan!!'' he yelled like a mad man making some of the patients to flinch

He went to the receptionist and asked her where Dr. Adnan is but she was lost in those beautiful black orbs of his

Mahmoud hissed and went to adnan's office ignoring the stupid nurse and the other patients that were in line, he kicked the door open with his leg because he couldn't open it with hands cause zina was in his arms

He barged in making Adnan to quickly stand up while the patient he was attending to flinched due to the sudden noise

"Mahmoud what happened to her! What the heck did you to her" Adnan asked irritated at site of zina looking pale

"You can asked me that later can you please just tend to her" he shouted angrily at his friend cause of the way he was interrogating him

Adnan ignored his friend's rudeness and helped zinat

30mins later

"How is she" Mahmoud stopped pacing and asked

Adnan sighed before answering Mahmoud's question

"Alhamdulilallah she is better now, hopefully she will wake up in some minutes" Adnan replied making his friend to sigh in relieve

"Mahmoud what happened to her" Adnan questioned and Mahmoud told his friend everything that happened making him receive a blow to his nose

"I told you to be careful with her I told you to be gentle with her for goodness sake, now look at what has happened! I told you she could stay with me at my parents house with my sisters but you said no! " Adnan yelled

"Hey don't blame me its not my fault that it happened, and who wouldn't react that way if you found a stranger in your room,especially in my line of work! Who wouldn't think she was a spy sent by my enemies" Mahmoud yelled back

The two the friends glared at each other harshly

"Umm... Dr. Adnan? "the nurse that was attending to zina interrupted there glaring contest

" what is it nurse amina"he asked

"she is awake but..." she trailed off looking at Mahmoud

"it's okay you can speak" he allowed her to speak making her nod

"she is having a mania episode" she said as she quickly averted her gave from them

"you may leave" Adnan dismissed her

"okay" with that she left

"what does she mean by mania episode?" Mahmoud asked

"it is a state of mind characterized by high energy, excitement, and euphoria over a sustained period of time. It's an extreme change in mood and cognition that can interfere with school, work, or home life. Mania is also the main feature of bipolar disorder. It symptoms include increased talkativeness, rapid speech, a decreased need for sleep, racing thoughts, distractibility, increase in goal-directed activity, and psychomotor agitation" adnan explained

" what you mean is that she is going to be acting like a high person" Mahmoud asked making adnan to sigh

"Mania, also known as manic syndrome, is a mental and behavioral disorder defined as a state of abnormally elevated arousal, affect, and energy level, or a state of heightened overall activation with enhanced affective expression together with lability of affect. During a manic episode, an individual will experience rapidly changing emotions and moods, highly influenced by surrounding stimuli. Although mania is often conceived as a "mirror image" to depression, the heightened mood can be either euphoric or dysphoric.As the mania intensifies, irritability can be more pronounced and result in anxiety or anger."

"The symptoms of mania include elevated mood (either euphoric or irritable), flight of ideas and pressure of speech, increased energy, decreased need and desire for sleep, and hyperactivity. They are most plainly evident in fully developed hypomanic states. However, in full-blown mania, these symptoms become progressively exacerbated. In severe manic episodes, these symptoms may be obscured by other signs and symptoms characteristic of psychosis, such as delusions, hallucinations, fragmentation of behavior" adnan explained further

"Okay.....I didn't my friend was so smart" Mahmoud joked making both of them chuckle

"Okay let's go,oh and don't forget this isn't going to be the normal zina you know" adnan warned as he twisted the door knob and entered with his friend trialing behind him

"Alhamdulilah! Mahmoud! Adnan! I thought you guys forgot about me or were tired of me,but am glad that is not the case,so how are you guys doing" zina blabbered making Mahmoud and adnan to share glances

"We are fine zina,how are you" Mahmoud answered for them

"Urgh am fine! I just can't wait to get discharged from this hospital,mahmoud do you know that you are so handsome!" Zina blabbered again making Mahmoud to smirk a little but it was hard to notice it he would be lying if he said he didn't also find her attractive,while adnan rolled his eyes

"I mean look at you, have you ever checked the mirror in fact if you did am sure it's going to crack and break cause of the beauty you possess" she chuckled,while Mahmoud rolled his eyes,this isn't the first time someone complemented him, he turned to his friend with an expressionless face and said

"I like the old zina more" he said to adnan who rolled his eyes at his friend

"But adnan is so cute! Very cute, he is funny,nice,jovial,smart and i love his curls so much!! Oh and lets not forget that he is a doctor,unlike you Mahmoud i don't know anything about you, i like him more than you Mahmoud,adnan never ignores me he always talks to me unlike you that will leave me in that huge mansion of yours that is filled with armed guys which honesty scares me but thank God there aren't any upstairs,i know Firdausi and i are supposed to be friends but we aren't,the only time I see Firdausi is when I need something and whenever I try to have a conversation with her she just leaves,its so lonely in that mansion my only friend is the TV but sometimes I get tired of watching the TV and I don't have a phone anymore'' she blabbered again making Mahmoud's expression to turn into a frown while adnan smirked at his friends reaction

Adnan stepped forward and ruffled his curls making zina shout

"Awwwwn! So cute,how I wish I could run my hands through your hair or braid it" zina excitedly said making Mahmoud annoyed

I mean she was just complementing me!; Mahmoud thought rolling his eyes,its like they forgot about me; Mahmoud thought again

"Okay I think its time we go home" Mahmoud said making zina shut up about what ever she was blabbering about

''i don't want to go with you am going with adnan, thanks for the invitation thought" zina said standing up

"Okay let's go mi lady" adnan bowed dramatically making zina chuckle and mutter 'cute'

When they reached outside zina took a deep breath she turned to adnan and said

"Let's walk to your house" making Adnan's eyes to widened

"Okay guys I have things to do have fun" Mahmoud said with an expressionless face as always and left but Adnan convenienced him

"Such kill joy" zina said and with that the trio  left to Adnan's crib

He already texted his mom and told her about zina...

How was the chafter😂😂
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