Chapter 32

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Zina's POV

I have been staring at the window for a long time trying to decide what I should do when I felt a light tap on my shoulder making me to jolt out of my thoughts

"You have been staring at them for 5 minutes now,they are all waiting for you" ya zafeer said eager to get some rest and something to eat because he has been looking for her non stop there by making him forget to eat

I sighed and averted my gaze from him back to the window where everyone was waiting for me,well not everyone ya hannah,my cousin who is more like a sister to us cause we grew up together and know her as our elder sister

I was 11 when I found out mama and baba weren't her real parents. I felt really sad and bad for her because her mom died while giving birth to her and her dad passed away 4 years later due to a ghastly accident, mama being her mom's big sister decided to take her in when Nabil was 8 years old

Ya hannah and ya Nabil got along very well that i myself feel jealous sometimes but it's understandable cause they grew up together

Anyways ya hannah wasn't there,she went back to minna to stay with my aunt because her future husband is sending her lefe next week. I'm so happy for her wallahi she deserves all the happiness in the world

I breathed in a huge amount of air before finally stepping out of the car,my face didn't carry a frown nor did it carry a smile

"Mama Ina wuni,baba Ina wuni" I greeted bowing a bit out of respect for them

Mama didn't even answer her,all of them were shocked they were expecting her to lash out at them.But it looked like their petty and immature bratty zinat has disappeared into thin air without a trace

Mama hugged her daughter as tears of joy started to glide down her cheeks

"Lapiya zinat ya kike (fine zinat how are you), Alhamdulilah you are back in one piece'' Mama replied wiping the tears on her cheek

I answered her question with an Alhamdulilah and moved to greet baba

"Sannu da dawo wa (welcome back) baba answered my greeting with a small smile

Maybe I wasn't a failure as a father,the trip what was she needed to get better;baba thought

"Yauwa (OK)" I quickly replied because I was getting tired of standing. I took the lead and entered the living room with a small salam,and the others followed in my footsteps

"Go and freshen up lunch has already been made so hurry up so that we can eat together" mama said collecting my jacket and handing it to ya Nabil so that he will keep it for me

"Okay, I will be back in some minutes" I replied with a small smile which was fake and everyone knew but chose to ignore it

I walked up to my room and opened the door, every inch of the room is squeaky clean and it smelt heavenly, I'm sure this is mama's doing. I scurried to bathroom and took a cold shower cause the weather is too hot for my liking,i got dressed in white pallazo pants and a purple T-shirt that said 'Bossy'

As much as I wanted to run to the dining room I couldn't,i need to show them that what they did was wrong and they didn't care about my feelings.So I calmly yet majestically walked to the dinng room where everyone was sitted, I collected ihsan from ya husna (ya jafar's wife)and sat across sofi who looks pale and has bags under her eyes

"Wow I thought she wouldn't let you carry her" ya Nabil said trying to start a conversation

"Wallah even me,I was expecting her to cry" ya husna replied adding more pepper to her food

"Ai shi ne (that's right) she use to cry when I pick her up" ya nana (my sister) said adding more food to her plate

"Kaii yaya nana har kin cinye Kuma har kina kari (you are done eating! And you are even adding more to your plate)" I exclaimed shocked at the way my sister was eating, I know she doesn't eat much so I'm shocked by the sudden change

"Toh what's there! I'm in my father's house I can eat as much as I want" ya nana replied glaring angrily at me

"Babe stop making it sound as though I don't let you eat as much as you want at home" ya jalal chuckled nervously cause he didn't want his in-laws to think he is starving their daughter

Ya nana rolled her eyes before replying to her husband "So I eat a lot that's what you are trying to say" she scoffed before she added "don't forget I'm eating for two" she said placing her hand on her small baby bump that i didn't notice till now

"Wow maa shaa Allah, I'm going to be an aunt again" I smiled handing ihsan to ya jafar

After we finished eating we proceeded to the living room, I sat down on the one sitter and started my speech

"I know that what you guys did was with a good intention but still haven't you ever thought about how you will feel if you have a disease or something and nobody bothered to tell you instead you were shipped to another country"

"Zinat we just didn't want it to escalate that's why, we didn't  know how you will react and we all know that you hate pity" mama replied adjusting her position on the couch

"Yes, I hate pity and all of you know that so imagine how it felt when I found out about my illness and the way you guys were treating me especially dad that was buying me plane tickets left and right not that i didn't appreciate or anything" I yelled starting to get really pissed off by each second that passes by because they were  putting up innocent faces but I know it's just a facade

"Can you please shut the hell up! You are not the only going through rough patches why do you always have to be a drama queen and a selfish human being.Because of you I'm not married! Because of you I might never get married to the love of my life,because of you I had to leave my friends and family behind just to take care of you instead of you to be grateful or talk to us in a calm and civilised manner you are here shouting on top of your lungs like the mad person you are! As in who gets bipolar disorder just because their patner and best friend betrayed them" sofi yelled back as she mocked zinat at the end, she was really fed up with zinat and her drama

"I didn't ask you or any of you guys to take care of me and mind you I'm still older than you with a year and can slap you for disrespecting me" I shot back glaring at sofi who glared right back at me

"Okay girls that's enough, zinat we are sorry for not telling you about your illness so apologize for your outburst cause I didn't raise you to disrespect your elders" baba said putting an end to our glaring contest

I bowed my head a bit because i felt ashamed"I'm sorry everyone but please next time when something happens and it's related to my health please tell me" I apologized feeling ashamed of the way I lashed out my anger at mama

"Good, and you safiya apologize to your sister we know that you are going through a very rough patch but still you don't have the right to yell at her nor mock her about her illness" baba said turning his attention to his last born who mumbled an apology

"Maa shaa Allah may Allah bless you all and safiya I will talk to fadil's dad" baba assured patting Sofi's head affectionately while her face broke into a wide grin

"Thank you thank you thank you so much daddy" sofi yelled as she jumped on her dad making him to stumble back and laugh heartily at his little girls excitement

"Shameless girl kawaii" ya nana hissed, wallahi ya nana get problem oo

"Leave her alone, be careful don't break my husband if not I will break yours too" mama backed ya nana up....

And that's how we spent the day chatting,throwing jokes around and bickering about silly things

I really missed my family.....

Yoo, two days I know but I'm writing exams that why...
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