Chapter 22

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~you should love,not fall in love.Cause anything that falls break.

Author's POV
(Oh don't forget to vote😭💋)

"Subhanallah!" The man behind wheels panicked

"What's wrong" the man in the back seat asked nonchalantly his eyes focused on his phone,his manly thick Arabian accent dripping from each word he pronounce

"We just hit a young lady" the man replied turning to his boss

"You have got to be kidding me" his boss cursed

"Fine, get her in and let's go to the hospital even though its gonna waste my time next time drive carefully" he replied focusing back to his phone

"Okay sir"

The chauffeur quickly came out of the car and ran to zinats almost dead looking body,he picked her up bridal style

He used his right hand to open the door and laid her down gently on the car seat,the man in the back seat didn't even bother to acknowledge their presence,he has better things to worry about

"Can you drive faster I have a meeting to attend" his boss ordered and the chauffeur didn't need to be told that twice as he hit the gas the car moved faster causing zinat's scarf to fall off showcasing her silky long jet black hair.
But the man in the back seat didn't notice just yet

"Are we there yet" his boss asked starting to get annoyed,the chauffeur replied with an 'almost' and his boss sighed in annoyance as he glanced at the other human being in the back seat with him for the first time

At first his breathe hitched, his heart stopped beating and the whole world stood still. Cause for the first time this man here appreciated the creation in front of him and could say 'Maa shaa Allah,she is so beautiful'

The sun blushed and hid behind the clouds as he is too shy to face what the man in the back seat was doing,the wind however whispered to the birds and told them to sing in the most sophisticated and sweetest way they could

The man in the back seat snapped out of the silly thought he was and skillfully tied her scarf

"We are here" the chauffeur announced parking in the parking lot

He got down and carried her to the emergency while the man in the back seat remaining seated thinking

Thinking of what you may ask, zinat?
No, he wasn't thinking about zinat he was thinking about the things he got to do

He called his close friend,adnan who works at the hospital they bought the lady




"Yoo man,aren't we meeting later why are you calling? Missed me much" Adnan teased the moment he pick up the call

"Hey,'ad bought a lady that we hit with a car can you please tend to her and tell him to be back as soon as possible am getting late for a meeting" the man replied ignoring his blabbers

"You hit someone with a car" he panicked

"Can you please just do what I asked of am getting late" the man said starting to get frustrated at his friend's behavior

"Okay chill,talk to you later bye'' Adnan ended the call
The chauffeur roared the engine back to life and started driving

''Drive faster,I don't care if we hit anyone on the road,we will leave them there my lawyers will handle it" the man muttered icily as he closed his eyes and massaged his temples

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