Chapter 4

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This was the trigger of adrenaline rush in my body. Meaningless thoughts crossed my mind. It was my turn now. The loud shot brought back the gone unwanted memories. My legs started trembling and I crouched down staring at what was ahead of me.

And once again the sound of continuous firing of guns and my dad yelling at me to run revisited me. I felt sudden pangs hurting my brain and covered my ears. My eyes strained hoping for the scene to go away.

Suddenly, I felt a tap on my shoulder. Yeah, I could feel it through the chaos I was surrounded in. And with a jerk, I opened my eyes. Could see the corridor again. I was back to reality.

"Evelyn, are you alright?" Asked a voice almost as low as a whisper as if, if she spoke any louder than that, something bad would happen.

"Yeah..." I whispered back.

"Why had you covered your ears in complete silence?" Still in the same pitch.

"Oh, reflex you know – There was a loud shot from the evaluation room." I said getting up as I realised, I was the only one crouching. "But why are you whispering?"

"There is someone in the room shushing everyone. So, to avoid being caught and other consequences, we preferred to talk low."

"What? Someone 'shushing everyone'?" And I quietly walked towards the room. Trying my best not to make any sound.

Believing what I saw as true was hard for me. I froze on spot by the sight. A man – holding a gun –was shushing everyone moving in circles and pointing it to everybody by gesturing his finger on his lips as if he would shoot if anyone slid the rim of their mouth. Following his circular path; walking on the elevated platform's circumference which had the chair and the bull's eye board in the middle of the room, he spotted me standing by the door and smiled. His vicious smile made me identify his face looking similar to a picture I have seen before. 

The RevengeOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora