Chapter 13

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Finally, the school hours passed. As usual, Sally and I were walking back together talking about the various things happening in school when she started another topic. "I wonder what the boy will do now." She said with a worried expression. Her concern instigated a series of thoughts in my mind. We had a serious silence for a moment and then I spoke, "How about...we enroll him in our school?" She stopped, "But, it is only for the government employees. Was his dad one?" "I don't know. But if he were, the boy would've already been studying here." "That's not necessary. We can go to private schools too." "Hmm." I replied. What now? How could we help him? And why? Because we could empathize with him. We know the pain he must be going through. We both have experienced it. Sally lost her dad when she was younger and I've seen her suffer through the pain. Her misery used to make me cry even though I was happy with the hope that mom will return from her meeting someday. Me, well I haven't lost my mom – or atleast I think so. I still hope we'll see her again. But, I don't have her with me and this still hurts the same as her loss and we haven't been in contact since the day she was kidnapped anyway.

The rest of our journey was quiet. I always accompany Sally till her house and then continue to Lilly's seeing her off. Today too, I was on the way to Lilly's house when I saw someone sitting crouched on the edge of Sally's street. I thought of passing him by but, something in me said I should check on him. I don't know I felt like I had seen the boy somewhere. "Excuse me, can I talk to you?" I said as I approached him in my softest tone possible. There was no reply. I could hear him sobbing which he immediately stopped as he heard my question. "It's okay if you don't want to. I just wanted to help you if I could." I gave him a minute to think and getting no response, I started on my way.

I couldn't shake the feeling of sadness off me. Soon I reached the spot where two roads diverged. One lead to Lilly's house through the main road and the other one was lined by bushes and trees on its sides, the soil blanketed by pale and trodden black leaves, looking almost a makeshift forest. This one was a longer path to Lilly's house as compared to the other one. Thinking of the noises of cars' honking with the scorching sun burning my skin and blinding my eyesight making it hard to even cross the roads, I thought to go home by the latter way. The trees' canopy made it easy for me to walk through by blocking major sunrays and sieving the ones touching my skin. I felt as if the environment was hugging me through the warmth of the rays as I walked. I could hear honks from a distance being overpowered by the birds' chirps. I felt good in the embrace. I was able to calm myself by the soothing sights of shadows formed sifted by the various leaves and branches. I let out a smile as the beauty penetrated through my eyes. I so wished I could spend the rest of my life there. The warm air that made up the atmosphere shunned me to all the worldly luxuries or happenings there. All I could feel was the soft touch of the breeze blowing and the wonderful scent of the soil wafting, exhilarating my senses.

No sooner had I been floating enchanted in that beauty that the surroundings started melting. I started feeling as if my head had been hit by a heavy rock, I got dizzy. The last thing I remember was my vision getting engulfed by darkness and then I fell.

* * *

I could hear distinct chatters. Murmurs of different people. I wanted to know what they were saying and where I was. And why was I sleeping here? My mind was totally blank except for these questions. Before I could assess my surroundings, someone entered. "Sally?" "Oh Evelyn! Thank God you're up." She said with a happy relief. I saw dad enter after her. Seeing them here, I scanned the place and realized the room resembled Sally's. I was in Sally's room! What was I doing here? "Evelyn, how are you feeling?" Dad asked concerned. "I-I don't know. How did I get here?" I said as I searched my brain for anything I could remember. "So, you don't remember anything?" I shook my head in disapproval, "What happened?" Rowan entered the room. I felt some kind of déjà vu seeing his clothes. Dad said that he had called Sally from my number and then she called him to inform about what had happened. The boy came forward and explained what he had seen. Memories came rushing back as he narrated. I was stunned as I heard the part I had missed due to unconsciousness.  

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