Chapter 8

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(Ringg) sang the doorbell. I pulled my socks up and picked my school bag before answering expecting dad.

"Evelyn!!" My morning was greeted by Sally's angelic cheer. "Your dad asked me to pick you up since he got caught up in some urgent work." Her voice always brightened my day up. I smiled. Told Lily about the change in the one picking us up and we informed Mr. Peter about my departure. Lily decided to go after when dad comes as Mrs. Gullivon would definitely not know the way to his underground office.

Mrs. Gullivon was waiting for us with her car in front of the apartment. I waved Mr. Peter as he was looking from the balcony and we started as he waved back. Everything was peaceful through the ride. It felt so comforting looking at people happy with each other's company. Children smiled gayly as they walked with their mothers or fathers. My smile faded as I remembered my nightmare and the absence of my mom. But I was snapped out of it by my notifications ring. It was dad. "Did Sally pick you up?" said the flashing screen. I picked my phone to answer it and (ouch) we stopped. And I hit myself on the seat in front of me. "What happened Mrs. Gullivon?" I asked repositioning myself. But she only stared ahead. I followed her gaze to see what she was looking at.

I was struck by horror at the sight. All of us got off the car and slowly walked towards that area. A biker lay in a pool of blood. Unconscious. In front of it stood a truck with a dent in its shutter. Certainly, the biker might have hit the truck at a high speed and so the accident had occurred. My pace decreased as we neared the site. I always break out in a cold sweat when things include gore. I could just stand at a distance and watch as Sally and her mom helped him up. Over their shoulders, they dragged him towards the car. The rash decision was made to take him to the hospital. I and Sally agreed to reach school by a public bus. Mrs. Gullivon raced her car in the opposite direction as we raced to the nearest bus stop. Just a few minutes would have been and a bus arrived. I was still working in an autopilot mode as the vision of what we just experienced played in front of my eyes. My legs followed Sally's and sat on a seat beside Her's. Worry edged on my face. I was back only when Sally shrieked, "Why did your dad call me so much?" as she looked at her missed call logs. And my dad called again. Eyeing the number of times he had called, with almost no intervals, I got a bad feeling.

I picked the call. "Dad?"

"Evelyn!!" "Where is your phone?!" He seemed way tensed in his tone.

"I had it with me." I said as I checked my pockets and my bag. I was horrified. Where the fuck was my phone? Not in my pockets. Not in my bag then where? This was the first time I had lost my phone.
"I-Its not with me." I said with usher guilt. Sally stared at me as I stared at her.

"What do you mean?" dad asked. "Where are you?"

"I am in the Bourson city bus."

"Why are you guys not in Mrs. Gullivon's car? Is she with you?"

"No. she's gone to the hospital with a biker we found unconscious in the mid of our journey. She took him by her car so we decided to go to school by bus so we don't get late." I said as the vision returned which had gone in the worry of losing my phone and so did the worry which had gone on explaining the incident. I heard dad sigh and, "Thank God you are safe. Please find your phone ASAP and be sure to not loose it again."

"Yes dad." I said as I remembered something else too. I hung the call up and told Sally, "I remember before we stopped, I had turned to my phone to reply to dad. Then we saw that and jumped off the car. In between, my phone had vibrated once as if someone might have called." My face lit up as I remembered that I had left my phone their car. Sally facepalmed and texted her mom about it. I sighed with relief and soon we reached school. Soon it was half an hour past the zero period when Sally got a call. She was worried after she ended it. And, obviously, the news was bad. She told me that the biker was in a very bad condition with almost no hope of surviving. So, I tried to make us feel better by justifying that its okay after all he was covered in blood with a shattered helmet. We must not sadden ourselves by it.

The start of our day at school was not so good. Soon after the news, our first period was social sciences. Ughh. Who starts their day like that? But, luckily for me, our taekwondo coach called me for the practice of an upcoming tournament. Oh, how my day shined. Yayay! "See you by lunch!" I said to Sally cheerfully and stormed off the classroom.

Two hours of practice. And, finally – lunch! I was so beaten by it. My hungry mouth devoured everything that came in my hands' way. I was in the middle of satisfying my hunger when, Sally cheered my name. I looked towards her with my mouth stuffed as if I had two big balls under each of my cheeks. She stopped halfway and almost puked with laughter on seeing me. I looked at her siren eyed and waited. She took almost an eternity to laugh and walk and then stop near me and say what she had to. I even finished what I had in my mouth and realized that everyone in the cafeteria was staring at us. I did feel a little embarrassed but didn't show it and continued eating.

"Eve-Evelyn. Evelyn. Listen, mom (laughs) mom got yo- (chokes of laughter)." I spotted my phone in her hand and completed her sentence, "My phone back?" "Please thank her very much and I am sorry for causing so much trouble." She was panting so just gave a thumbs up and went to have some water. As expected, there were missed calls from dad and Lily too. Lily had texted me about my whereabouts and that dad had been trying to call me. So, I texted her back about everything that had happened. Next, I noticed dad's voicemails. I unlocked the logs and opened the first one to listen to.

"Evelyn, I don't know where you are and what you are doing but I must let you know this now so I don't forget it later. Remember the order Araneae you saw yesterday? Lily brought it to the office today. We found that it was a TD. We've recorded it's fingerprints and destroyed it. Hope to find you safe."

Ughh! Dad and his code language. I searched the word 'order Araneae' and what?! A s-spider. My eyes widened as I remembered that I had seen a spider on my desk yesterday. It was a what? I recalled that he had said 'TD'. I quickly opened the app designed for us to look up our code words and saw that 'TD' meant – 'Tracking Device'. And if they destroyed it, they had not kept it there. This thought horrified me. I couldn't think anything but just stand coldly staring until Sally shook me. I told her everything and she was just as shocked.

Who could it be? And, why were they trying to track me? All these questions cycloned in my head until I got back to dad's office. 

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