Chapter 6

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"What is going on?"

"Evelyn!" He was panting. "A-Are you alright?"

"Yes dad. But what happened? Why is Carson here?"

"I-I...wait(pant) let's get these people out first." "Guards! Take them down!"

"We must get out of here Evelyn." And I saw several guards wearing the national security uniform entering the facility from various ways and grabbing each of Carson's mans. We made our way through the ruckus and got to dad's car. I saw Lily, dad's secretary on the back seat. Unconscious.

I gasped at the sight. "Dad! What happened to Lily?"

"Oh, I found her unconscious. She'll recover soon. Don't worry." "Get into the car for now."

I sat on the front seat. "Now tell me."

"Well. Remember? Ughh! How do I put it?" "See. They came to hostage you."

"What?! But why?"

"That is what we are working on right now." "I haven't been in contact with mom since the day she was kidnapped. And, these people have been after you ever since." He said as the darkness of our basement faded away as we entered broad daylight. All I could feel was that I slowly looked away and then I was lost. I could see not the people or cars bustling on the roadway but the memory that always made me teary – Mom.


"Don't you worry dear. Her beauty will not take her anywhere."

"That's a clear plastic skin."

"Don't listen to them sweety. Your future is in your hands and only you have the power to control it. Their opinions don't matter. Don't let yourself down 'cuz of them. "

I smiled as she said that. "Bye mom!"

"Bye Evelyn!"


Those words still ring in my head and every day I miss mom. That was the first day of sixth grade at school. Little did I know it would be the last day I saw mom.

I sighed sadly as I regained to the present. "Dad, is mom even alive?"

He slid his lips to say something but, just sighed sadly. After several moments of silence, he finally spoke up, "Evelyn dear, let us not think that way. I have been doing my best to track her. Remember, I told you where she is?"

I remembered again, how after keeping for almost a year, the truth was revealed to me.

It was the day after my twelfth birthday. Eight months at dad's office. Eight months since I had last seen mom. Like they say, 'nothing lasts forever' and so didn't the happiness of me being twelve years old. The very next day it was revealed that it wasn't as dad had been telling me all the while. But, something I would have never imagined – my mom had been kidnapped. I can still feel the sadness I felt at that moment. I...could not believe it; but, it was a truth I had to accept.

"In East Lourn?" I said as I recalled dad telling me that day.

"Yes. The tracker's location hasn't changed since then."

"But, when we can't enter East Lourn, how do you plan on getting her back?"

"We'll discuss that later Evy. Get down now."

"Where are we?" I asked looking out the window.

"It's Peter's place. You and Lily are to stay here till I return." "Ok?-" And he got a call. "Yes sir. I'll be there." And he waved to me and got back into the car. I waved him back.

"Lily!!" I exclaimed. She was back had recovered. I ran to her and she and hugged me.

"I am so glad you are safe Evelyn." "How did you manage?"

I told her everything from how I used my Swiss knife to injure one to how dad rescued me as we climbed the apartment to Mr. Peter's flat. 

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