The Big Day Next

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I was still speechless. It took me moments to let the information sink in. The more I absorbed it, the more questions were trying to ooze out of me. All I could let out was a sigh, "I had expected this to be. There had to be someone letting all this information out." Dad still had his face hung. Very much expected though. He must have been feeling the guiltiest after all of this. The judas was someone working in his own office. Who, let out all the details and caused this chaos. "Dad! Did we get a reply from the news agencies?" I said as this popped up in my mind in order to change the topic. He sighed. "No. Not yet."

"Then we must mail them again. If they still don't reply, we barge into their offices." He nodded in agreement. The atmosphere was still tense. He got up, took his phone, and walked out of the room. His sadness is always contagious. Just as his happiness. I couldn't do anything but sit on the couch staring at the floor. Thoughts bubbling up inside me soon to erupt like a volcano. I wanted to scream. I felt a sudden pang of uneasiness as a voice inside me said, "You are being watched." I felt like I was being hunted. Like I had to walk around everywhere keeping an eye in all four the directions. It wasn't safe anywhere!

A sound pierced through this darkness. I flinched and saw; my phone was vibrating. It was Sally. Somehow, she always knows when I need a shoulder to lean upon and cry. I picked it up, "Yeah." She sighed, "Wanna go for a walk?" I sighed too. It would make me feel better. Something better than nothing to pass this time! So I agreed. She came over to Lilly's to pick me up while I was waiting in the living room. Looking at the antique pieces of art kept or hanging around. I love such objects. They always make me feel better. They remind me of how long our generations have come and gone. And how we have always survived every disaster to keep the race going. I could stare at them for hours. But soon, the bell rang. A smile crept over my face as soon as I saw her. Her aura is so bright that anyone in her diameter is affected by it. A wave of freshness ran over me as I smelt her lavender perfume as it came to me from the door through the air. I swear I would so date her had I been a boy. Normally, I hate the smell of perfumes. But her choices defy my laws.

The setting sun casting a glow of pink and orange in the sky with the scent of lavender around you is perfect for a date. But don't worry, I am not a lesbo. Of course I won't replace her boy. Yeah, she has a boyfriend. You don't need to know anything else. As we walked on the footpath, soon the garden I was attacked that day arrived. It would have been the best place to hang out for some rejuvenation if I wouldn't have been haunted by the that thought. What if they aim for Sally now? I know they got what they wanted. And that soon something bad will happen. I felt it in my gut as we passed by that path. I was staring at it but my eyes showed me something else. I don't know. Devastation. Pain. Misery. People running here and there. Dying.

"So! What all could you guys gather?" Sally said a little louder so I would hear it midst the chaos in my head. And yes, I did. For a second, I felt like what is she talking about? What did we have to gather? And I looked at her with a confused expression. She stared at me back with an 'obviously that' expression. And I realized what she was trying to say. "Oh!" I said with that chance realization and instantly looked down out of embarrassment. "So, dad had gone to attend the q 'n a session today morning and told me everything." And I told her everything. From how the judas acted to why he did that and how he cooperated and that he accepted of letting out the details. She was as stunned while listening to it as I was. After a few moments of silence after the story, she pursed her lips and said, "This had to be. Atleast, we caught him before late, and he can be of great help with the investigation!" Optimism poured out of her mouth as she said the latter. I smiled lightly as I looked at her and she smiled back at me. She has a wide smile, even her eyes bend and form an arch while she smiles brightly, adding to its charm. This made me feel better. A lot. We walked till it was a bit dark and then returned. Dad and I ate dinner. It was all quiet tonight. But it wasn't awkward. I set my bag for tomorrow and went to sleep. Usually, I check at the timetable in the morning but today, I felt like I should set my bag and go to sleep early. I never have a hard time sleeping because I am tired every time. But, tonight, my mind had such energy to be still running. I only stared at the roof in my dark room as my mind replayed various scenes of the day until my eyes got heavy and I eventually slept.

Next morning, I didn't feel anything but a little tired. I wanted to sleep a little more but, school! My mind had forgotten a lot of things from yesterday. So, I said to myself, "C'mon Evelyn, lets get ready and going to school!" waving my hands in the air with my palms fisted ending in a position as if I were going to start a marathon. I needed it to be honest. This gave me the energy required to complete my chores atleast. Even at school, I kept my mind on what the different teachers were telling to keep it from wandering off and telling me all those unnecessary things. I guess I had a good day in a long time. It isn't so boring to listen to what they have to blabber after all. It isn't once in a while. If I do this tomorrow again, my brain will lose those last cells which keep me alive at such times! They're already half eaten up! "Ughh! Where is Sally? I've been waiting for like ten minutes now." If I go without her, she'll be sulking for days and ignoring me. It would be a little peace but then whom will I let my frustration out on? "There she is." I spotted her among her group of friends from the art club. Doesn't she feel responsible enough to tell me she'll be a little late? I wouldn't have been standing in this sun looking for her with my hand as the only protection for my eyes! I folded my hands and waited for her to approach and casually started walking as she did. I was pissed off the whole walk because she thought it was fun to have irritated me. The rest of the day, I ignored her calls until she texted me sorry with a few convincing emojis. That night, I slept normally. Without my mind haunting me with any nightmares or the useless stuff it usually shares. The next at school was lengthier than the on yesterday. It felt almost like an eternity and I was just as tired and Sally just as cheerful by the end as always. Things were getting normal again, I thought. The day after tomorrow was my tournament. So, coach suggested I focus on my studies today and have a final practice tomorrow. I didn't know he meant there would be no practice even at school. But guess what, tomorrow is my birthday. My fourteenth birthday! But I decided to celebrate it after my match so that I don't get carried away.

Today, I woke up with my dad shaking me to wish happy birthday because he might forget later. I thanked and hugged him but the fact that was feeling more sleepy than usual was because I was up earlier than usual! It's only six? "Daaad! Why did you wake me up so early?!" "Get up early at your birthday atleast Evelyn. You have a final practice today too." I fell back at the bed on his reply wailing and got up a few- actually, much later. I didn't sleep but just lay because I felt too lazy to get up that instantly. Lilly wished me when I got ready and walked out of my room. Sally had already texted me and she wished me again while going to school. At school, I told my class teacher about not being able to attend any classes because of the practice and Sally agreed to tell the respective teachers. I went to the gym for practice and there, our coach wished me too. I thanked him and for the first half of school hours, I just did a little warm ups and practiced some kicks and fought with some fellow students. Coach had said he would spar with me after the break. Excitedly, I went to the cafeteria to have lunch. There, Sally had been waiting for me with a piece of cake. "I know you are celebrating tomorrow. I made this cake myself as a token of love and congratulations. And also, all the best for tomorrow!" She said as she cut out some of it with a spoon and fed me. I was feeling very happy. This just made my day. I hugged her after I was done enjoying its wonderful taste and told her how tasty it was. She made a small cake every year. But this year, it tasted the best. "Thank you, Sally. I will give my best tomorrow." I ate only briefly for I had a tackle after. Feeling great, I went back to coach ready for the battle. As soon I was ready and, in my position, he attacked first. I dodged it and aimed for his calf region. Expectedly, he dodged it. We did it for about half an hour and I was completely exhausted. The sparring ended when I was taken down and couldn't fight back. Maybe fatigue or maybe the position I was stopped at. "You've improved a lot. But you got tired so early. Your dodge is good but you can be taken down the very next moment if you don't focus on attacking." Coach said as we took our guards off. I nodded. Have a ten-minute break and we'll improve your attacks. The day ended after the hour and I wanted some rest so I called Lily to come and pick us up. That night too I went early to have a good sleep before the big day next. 

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