Chapter 15 - One step closer

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We split in groups. Sally went upstairs to the terrace. Disguised. Seconds later, my phone screen flashed with an image message sent by her. I was right. I grinned and quickly recognized the surroundings. She had shot it from her terrace-room's window which was obvious because of the dirt markings visible between the target and her camera. I could see a figure covered in dark green robe, wearing a hat of the same colour, trying to blend with his bushy hideout, maybe crouching or in a trying to get up position. I showed it to dad and Rowan, "See we found him." Dad gave a grave expression as he looked at. Rowan enquired about his position and I told that he is on the back of the house so it'll be easy for him to go out from the entrance. I texted Sally that she cannot descend the emergency stairs falling from the terrace for she might be seen by him and he might run away! 'Tell your mom to come at the front gate.' I texted saying that our target may see her. She saw the text instantly. I also wrote that she still keep an eye on him and come down when I call her. She texted back, Rowan went?

Yes. Just waiting for his call. How much time will your mom take now?

Five minutes.

I replied with a thumb's up emoji. I just hope he doesn't get any hint of our plan. "We must be ready dad." I said looking at him. He nodded in return. Moments ticked away with the sound of Sally's wall clock as we waited for Ms. Gullivon. Rowan would call after she arrives and Sally would go in her car to the road while me and dad would go to road from the other side in our car. No sooner the bell rang. Dad opened the door to see Sally's mom as expected and I texted her to come down. We walked to the gate towards our car while she sprinted fast enough that I was able to ask her, "Did he move when the bell rang?" "Yeah, guess he wants to know who came." She answered as we exited. Will he see us getting in the car? I thought as I sat. It was filled with an air of suspense as dad started the engine. Only to be broken by Rowan's call. I picked it up. "S-Someone's following m-me." "What! Where are you?" I asked trying my best to act worried as I remembered him saying, "I have a plan to distract him to the road. Don't mind anything I say just play along." While we were structuring our course of action back in the house. "Near Sally's house." He replied on the phone, panting. Just then I saw him being chased by that green robed man. "We can see you. Just try to run towards to a dead end so we can corner him." "Be quick. You don't know what he might do to stop me before that." And he ended the call. I felt a little contented as my plan was so fine until now and that we might really catch that person. But the thought that he might be able to stop Rowan before we reach and escape, was trying to pull my joy back. Dad sped the car dodging and overtaking every vehicle in the way till we saw them take a turn.

A smirk crept on my face. It was a dead end. I took my phone and texted Sally about our location and quickly dropped it to get off when dad would stop. Soon the alley was on my left, dark by the towering shadows of the surrounding buildings. It was hard to see them in there from the distance our car was parked. I tried squinting my eyes for a better view but, helped not. Dad knew I wanted to confront him immediately. I felt a hand on mine and turned towards dad. He locked his eye in mine and shook his head and gestured that I wait while he goes first. I sighed and agreed. The look in dad's eye was deep and concerning. I couldn't refuse. He got out, reached for his gun in the secret pocket of his coat and raised it as he walked towards the alley. "Hands up man. You're cornered. Put everything down." I heard him roar. There was silence. "Stop else this boy's gonna pay." I heard another voice say. It's that man! No! Rowan! I was scared as to what he might do to him. What does he mean by saying 'he's gonna pay'? will he kill him? This thought sent chills down my spine. "Where's Sally? Why is she here yet?" I tried calling her but no one answered. I called her mom too, 'The person you...' Ughh! I turned my phone off. The bot kept speaking but I heard nothing. My hearing ability was censored by my thoughts. Negative thoughts. All I could hear was them in the silence. I gulped as the possibility of them being true took over me. I wanted to go over there and protect him for he was helping in my plan and any harm to him would add one more to my list of regrets and losses. But I couldn't as I remembered dad's word. I was stuck in the middle of this huge dilemma of whether staying in or going out was the right decision. Whether waiting patiently or breaking my word to dad was the right thing to do. I didn't even know what was going on in the alley for I couldn't hear anything. My mind was filled with the confusion of what to do next when it received something. A sound wave – I heard alarms – police alarms! I flinched and saw on the road towards my right. Two rows of police vans speeded in my direction lead by. I peered into the darkness on my left and wished everyone was safe. With the police on our backs, I decided to go out. I unlocked the door beside my seat and pushed it open. Sally came running towards me, all smiling again. I smiled too. We would finally open one door to mom's exit. The vans' headlights aimed at the dark alley brightened it up. Everyone was fine. Rowan was pinned against the end wall with a knife at his neck. I knew, now the culprit could neither run away nor kill him for he was cornered. "Plan successful." I said to Sally and she responded with a cheer.

The man was frozen on his spot. As he saw the various policemen get out of their cars and approach him with handcuffs in their hands, he did the very unexpected. He let go of Rowan but, rose his hand to injure and kill himself! The relief of Rowan's safety didn't last long. My eyes widened at what I saw next. His reflexes are God-level! The man couldn't die because Rowan held his right hand which aimed the knife at his own neck and twisted it to the man's back before it could land. He pushed him to his knees to avoid any further actions and held him until the police cuffed and took him to their van. That was the same technique I had learned in my taekwondo lessons on self-defense. He was way faster than me! I wonder who taught him. Sally was standing jaw-dropped on the sight. I closed her mouth with a giggle and patted on her shoulder. "That was damn fast Evy!" she said as I walked towards dad. Dad had an air of relief. He patted me and said, "We are proud of you Evy." "Thank you, dad. I couldn't have done it without you guys." I said as Rowan and Ms. Gullivon approached us. I hugged them as a token of gratitude. We're finally one step closer to bringing mom back.

When we broke the hug and started walking back, I asked Rowan about who had taught him those fighting skills. "" I was speechless at his answer. I remembered the day I had seen him in the hospital hooked to machines. The vision came back to me. He looked so old and frail and vulnerable. I wonder how he was beaten to that condition if he was such a great master. I could tell this by judging the moves taught. "I am sorry.." Is all I could say "..for the loss." There was silence after this conversation but it reminded me of something.

"Hey, umm, can I ask something if you're fine?" I asked looking at his hung face.


"Was your dad a government employ?"

He stopped. I did too, waiting for him to answer. I felt as if I asked him something he did not want to tell. Everyone else had walked towards their cars including Sally and dad. We were the only ones behind. Dad called us to retreat. I looked at him waiting for me near our car. Rowan sighed when I looked at him, "No he wasn't. Let's go now." He said walking towards Ms. Gullivon's car. I looked at him go, "Yeah. See ya later." And waved him walking towards my car.

While in the car, I asked dad if he had to go now since one guy's been captured and will be questioned now. "Yup. Guess I'll be called soon. Do you want to accompany?" "No no. Just leave me at your office. I have work to do." "Alright." I love how he doesn't suspect me. I am glad I have earned his trust. I didn't mention the work and he never asked either. This made me happier than anything. I smiled. But then my last conversation before getting into the car flashed in my mind again. I remembered the look on Rowan's face before he answered. It made me a little sad. The whole journey, all I did was ponder on the question, why he looked so depressed. Although I could reach to no answer. I thought of sharing it with dad but then I thought what he might think of it and let it be.

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