Chapter 5

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I've seen him somewhere. My eyes widened as I remembered where I saw that smile. That poster in dad's office!

"Mr. Carson?" I whispered.

"Ms. Earhart! Can we talk?"

"What do you want?"

"Oh, I'll explain. Will you come with me for now? I've been sent by Dorinks specialty."

"Really? Dad never told me." How did he find this place out?

"Evelyn!!" I heard from behind. "Are you alright?" she said frightened and whispered everyone else to go to their rooms. "You have to come with me." And she started pacing holding my left arm tightly.

"What is going on?"

"I'll tell everything but first let's find some safety."

"Where's dad? And what about everyone else?"

"Please Evelyn-" And she collapsed. My heartbeat raced. "Lily!" A hand out of nowhere grabbed me from behind. It was big enough to almost choke me.

As I struggled out of its grip, it was dragging me away from that area. I had tears by the brink of my eyes when suddenly, the heaviness on my face faded away. I could feel that hand fall slowly followed by a thud.

I breathed heavily and carefully turned to look what had happened. It was utter silence. A man was lying right behind me. Unconscious. At that moment, I realized; I was surrounded by several other men of the same attire.

"Evelyn Earhart. Isn't it?" a voice came. Everyone gave way to him and bowed in respect as he came.

"What do you want Mr. Carson?"

"I want no harm. All you have to do is come with me and everyone is safe."

"What do you want from me?"

"You'll know soon. Come with me for now."

"Do you really think I'll do that?"

He smirked. "Then I'll have to make you do that." And he gestured someone to take hold of me.

Good thing I had my Swiss knife with me. (Always have it) This time I smirked. My hands reached my pocket for it. I could hear footsteps approaching me from behind so, I turned around at the very moment I could see his chest in front of mine. And the only thing between us was the knife I was holding. He fell. Everybody could see the blood-stained knife now.

I could see everyone taken aback and this time he ordered more than one person. Suddenly, I heard a thud from behind.

"Carson?" he fainted? My dad was revealed lowering a gun as his body fell. "Dad?"

"Daaaad!" I said exclaiming as I ran towards him. I was overwhelming with emotions. Like, dad? dad's here, yayay dad is here and he came to save me! but where was he all this while? did he even know what was happening? how did he? Never mind dad is here! - were the thoughts being produced in my mind.

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