Chapter 7

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(Gasp) I opened my eyes in shock. Sunlight bathed the room in a bright yellow glow. Suddenly chancing out of a nightmare into such brightness made my eyes twitch. I still remember everything I saw. My head isn't heavy and I don't think what I saw really testifies as a nightmare but according to the literal definition – a frightening or unpleasant dream, experience or prospect – I can address it as a nightmare. Droplets fell on me. I realized I was crying. What?! Even I don't know why but I was.

The door opened and I quickly wiped my tears off.

"Morning Evy!"

"Morning Lily."

I think she sensed that something was off. Of course, the way I said made it crystal clear.

"What's up? Cramps?"

I was alarmed at the question. Did she see me crying? "Noo!" I said shyly and a small giggle to add to my made-up mood. She smiled softly, "Breakfast's ready. Come quickly." And she left. My lips repositioned from the fake smile and I sighed shaking the feelings off me.

I freshened up and headed out the room. Everything just seemed back to normal like I never saw that weird dream soon as I spotted dad on the dining. "Dad!" I exclaimed. And he smiled back to me, "Looks like you had a nice sleep!" There came back the strange memory. My expressions changed and so did dad's. "What happened? Is everything alright?" I could only hear a thin voice as dad said. But that is what snapped me out of it. "Oh. Nothing. Just got distracted." And I sat on the next chair to eat.

Ahead of eating, I went to my room to complete my school works after seeing dad off. This was my second day at Mr. Peter's and dad said he'll take us back by today evening. Lily accompanied me inside and enquired about why I upset in the morning and what had happened when dad complemented on my sleep.

"Oh, it's just. (sigh) I have been getting nightmares ever since I learned that mom has been kidnapped and taken to East Lourn." "Especially when I miss her very much." My face drooped as I shared that.

"Nightmares?" She exclaimed. "Have you been doing fine? What was that made you cry?"

"You saw?" I asked as I remembered that I had suddenly started crying today morning and then quickly wiped off when someone came. "It was a very unpleasant one." "I was surrounded by darkness. Nothing was in sight and it felt like I was falling until; I stopped moving and then fell on a surface. I almost believed that I had gone blind when a few moments later, I saw – light. Coming from an unknown source. A bright one. Straight into my eyes. I was totally confused and tried to look for ways out. There was nowhere out. Defeated, I fell and could only think of mom and dad to come for me. But, they never came and so I sat; on the verge of crying until – I heard footsteps approaching. And so rose a hope in me. I saw a man appear out of nowhere. His shadow growing bigger and bigger as the sounds neared. He was not my dad. Accompanying him was a lady whose shadow didn't grow like his was. I have seen those hairs. I thought. And I was right. It was (pause) Mom! I was so glad to see her that forgot about the scary man. I ran towards her but, could never reach her. I was repelled by something. Some sort of invisible wall. I tried more than a time to cross that. In vain. I was so desperate to go to her. Suddenly, that scary man looked at me and smiled and then, I was pulled back." "That's when I woke up and I don't know why but I was crying."

She was so shocked to listen to this. I got teary again and she hugged me and consoled that its alright. That we all knew my mom was safe and she'd come back soon.

"I hope she does." I said and we let go of each other.

I took some time and I was normal again. I proceeded to complete my assignments. Collected all the material needed and just sat on my table when- "Aaaaaaaaa." There was a spider on my desk! I have had their phobia since childhood. It doesn't matter that they are small in size. Why would anyone 'not' be scared of those eight-legged creatures?

"What happened Evelyn?" Lily barged in soon as she heard my scream.

I had hopped on the bed. I pointed toward my desk. "A s-spider." She looked at me siren eyed. "Come on Evy! You're enough grown up now." And she walked towards it, grabbed one of my books and slammed it on the creature. Two times she did it. And paused. Silence.

"W-What happened?" I asked.

"It didn't......die." I was horror-struck at that reply. "What do you mean? Those were good slams."

And she touched it! I grossed out at the sight. Her eyes widened and she backed off. "It-It's not a spider!"

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