Chapter 19

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I chuck down the whole bottle of whiskey. Even whiskey couldn't help me overcome Vivian's betrayal. I decided to go back to my room and sleep. I told staff not to come today. James mindlinked me to inform me that Vivian is miserable in the forest. I thought I would be happy to hear the news, but it made me sad to see my mate miserable. But she deserves it. I decided to head towards the forest to see her. I masked my scent.
I maintained my distance from her. She is disheveled. Her dress is muddy. She has bruises on her arms and face. She has leaves and small twigs on her. She is sobbing uncontrollably. It has only been 14 hours, but she has already given up on her life. She should try to fight. I wanted to check her survival instinct, so I made the sound of a bear and rustled some twigs to make it seem like a bear was coming near her.
She looked around to see where the sound was coming from. She stayed there for a while, lost in thought, which made me mad. Why isn't she running away? Where is her wolf instinct to fight back? After contemplating for a few minutes, she decided to run away. After running for a few minutes, she decided she was tired, so she walked instead of running. She doesn't have a sense of direction. She is walking in circles. It seems like she is looking for water sources. After a while, she finds a small stream. She doesn't drink instantly. She contemplates whether to drink or not. She starts sobbing loudly while looking at the water. She drinks water but throws it up immediately. I have never seen anyone in such a sorry state. I started to pity her.
I contemplated whether to get her out of her misery or not. I decided not to because I wanted to see what she would do for the night. I expected her to make a shelter for the night, but no, she is walking without direction. It is already night, and she hasn't eaten any food. There is no light, and she has no shelter. She decides to sleep in the long grass. Is she even familiar with the forest? She falls asleep after sobbing herself to sleep. She opens her eyes at the slight noise around her. She couldn't get enough sleep.
It is early in the morning, and the sun is rising when she decides to walk towards her destination. I have already sent the trackers back home. It's just me and her. I decided to approach her and greet her.

Her response stuns me: "I can't believe Alpha Theodore's ghost is hunting me."

Good riddance. Huh

"I can't believe even his ghost is taunting me."

She started wailing. It took all my willpower not to strangle her delicate throat until her lungs collapsed. She truly believed she could kill the Alpha with some pills. I cleared my throat, and she looked on in amusement, as if questioning her own hallucination. I grabbed her by the throat, lifting her slightly off the ground and exerting pressure to make her suffer. Strangely, she didn't react; I couldn't comprehend what was happening. She showed no fight for her life; it seemed as though she had given up. I wouldn't let her escape so easily. She must endure the consequences of the treason she committed. Seeing her pale complexion, I released my grip, allowing her to breathe.
"So, you're not dead. Thank God you're alive. I couldn't bear the guilt of taking a life," she admitted. I understood you might not believe me, but I genuinely felt sorry for my actions.

She pleaded, "Please spare my family and the pack. They're innocent in this matter. This is my wrongdoing. You can do as you wish with me." She spoke with a monotone voice, as if she had resigned herself to her fate.

Tear streaks marked her cheeks, and her eyes were encircled by dark circles. The poor pup had endured so much. Before I could say more, she collapsed to the ground, prompting my wolf to howl for his mate. I lifted her in my arms and carried her to the cabin, reaching out to James through mind linked to summon the pack doctor.
The doctor assured me that there was no need to worry. She was weakened by dehydration and starvation. With food and rest, she would recover in a few days.
"Alpha, what do you plan to do with her?" James' words snapped me out of my thoughts.
"Place her in a cell and treat her like any other criminal. No one is to lay a hand on her," I declared, surprising James with my response. Arching an eyebrow, I scrutinized him and inquired, "Do you have something to add, James?"
"No, Alpha," he replied promptly.
Our little princess would find herself spending time in prison. Actions have consequences, after all.


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